Nuts are one of the most common food allergies that exists in the world today. Nuts can either be a legume or a tree nut, although the primary legume that is included in this allergy is the peanut. The problem with this type of allergy is that it can be incredibly difficult to avoid contact with this food. … Continue Reading about 37 Important Nut Allergy Statistics
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7 Pros and Cons of Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is classified as alternative medicine. The very premise of alternative medicine is debatable. If you believe in traditional … Continue Reading about 7 Pros and Cons of Chiropractic Care

6 Pros and Cons of Centralized Health Care
A lot of developed countries use a centralized health care system which is normally a part of the public health care system. Many undeveloped … Continue Reading about 6 Pros and Cons of Centralized Health Care

7 Pros and Cons of Cancer Insurance
Cancer insurance may seem like a strange option when you are purchasing insurance. A lot of people feel that buying cancer insurance is a bit … Continue Reading about 7 Pros and Cons of Cancer Insurance

7 Pros and Cons of Canadian Medicare
Canadian Medicare of the universal healthcare has several advantages and some disadvantages. Ideally, every country in the world should have … Continue Reading about 7 Pros and Cons of Canadian Medicare

Difference Between BSN and RN
While to some, there may be very little difference between a BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) and a RN (Associate of Science in Nursing), … Continue Reading about Difference Between BSN and RN

10 Pros and Cons of Body Fat Analysis
The number of obese and diabetic people in the world is at an all time high. More people are suffering from cardiovascular and respiratory … Continue Reading about 10 Pros and Cons of Body Fat Analysis

17 Nugenix Pros and Cons
Nugenix is a dietary supplement which claims it can boost your free testosterone levels. Using natural ingredients to support this process, taking the product regularly may boost your libido, improve intimacy with … Continue Reading about 17 Nugenix Pros and Cons

17 Ornish Diet Pros and Cons
The Ornish diet is named after its founder, Dr. Dean Ornish, who is the Founder and President of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, CA. It was introduced in the 1990s as a way to follow a … Continue Reading about 17 Ornish Diet Pros and Cons

23 Pescetarian Diet Pros and Cons
The Pescatarian diet is one that follows many of the principles of a vegetarian lifestyle. The one difference is that this diet allows for the consumption of freshwater fish, saltwater fish, and shellfish. Some … Continue Reading about 23 Pescetarian Diet Pros and Cons
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17 Fascinating Diabetes Insipidus Statistics
The kidneys have a very important job. They are responsible for filtering a person’s blood several times per day. When this happens, most of the water is absorbed into the body and a person’s urine is then concentrated so the excess wastes can be removed. When there is a diagnosis of diabetes insipidus [DI] present, […]

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Non-Dilutive Funding for Early-Stage Life Sciences Companies and Beyond
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Difference Between Angina and Heart Attack
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HCT Auto Blood Test Results Meaning
There are a number of health conditions that the HCT auto blood test is able to detect or monitor. It measures what may occur when there are differences to the proportion of red blood cells in the blood compared to what normally should be there. It is often ordered as part of a complete blood […]

10 Pros and Cons of Birth Control
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Difference Between Chickenpox and Measles
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Difference Between Aspergers and Autism
Every parent in this world wants the very best for his child, it’s the natural way things are supposed to be. Unfortunately, sometimes things can’t really be that good and children have to struggle with a few different things that are incredibly challenging to deal with – especially at their age. One of the things […]

Explanation of HLA B27 Blood Test Results
The HLA-B27 blood test is used with a series of other tests to determine if there is an autoimmune disorder present that could be affecting the body. It isn’t a definitive test, but is often used to determine if there is reactive arthritis or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that needs to be addressed. It is also […]

12 Important Facts About Organ Donation
Organ donation is a fact in the world. Organ donation can mean a life or death situation for many people. Each one of us is able to help, and most likely would if they understood the facts about donating their organs. Now, there is a shortage of organs and the list of people waiting to […]

13 Incredible Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Statistics
Rhematoid arthritis is problematic whenever it strikes, but it seems downright cruel that it could affect children. Juvenile arthritis is very real, however, and this includes rheumatoid arthritis. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis [JRA] is, in fact, the most common form of arthritis that occurs in children under the age of 16 today. In order to be […]

17 Amazing Cystic Fibrosis Life Expectancy Statistics
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19 Noteworthy Acoustic Neuroma Statistics
There are a number of unique nerve issues that can develop as a person ages. Some of them have to do with tumor development, although many of the tumors that develop over time are nonmalignant in nature. That’s what happens when an acoustic neuroma begins to form. It begins to grow on a person’s 8th […]

10 Interesting Facts About Surgeons
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22 Amazing Bacterial Meningitis Statistics
Meningitis is simply the inflammation of the membranes that help to protect the brain and the spinal cord. It can become inflamed because of an injury or a virus, but the most dangerous form is from a bacterial infection. Many people call all forms of meningitis, but the bacterial version is very different from the […]

25 Shocking Caffeine Addiction Statistics
How often during the week do you have caffeine? If you’re like most people in the world and especially most Americans, you have caffeine every single day. Many Americans cannot start their day without a morning coffee, and most teas and sodas also have a high amount of caffeine. Stats To Know About Caffeine To […]

Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering
Manipulation of genes in natural organisms, such as plants, animals, and even humans, is considered genetic engineering. This is done using a variety of different techniques like molecular cloning. These processes can cause dramatic changes in the natural makeup and characteristic of the organism. There are benefits and risks associated with genetic engineering, just […]

RDW Blood Test Results Explained
Red cell distribution width is a clinical measure that is used to assess the size of the red blood cells or calculate the volume of the red blood cells. It forms a part of the complete blood count i.e. CBC analysis. In essence, if you see a red-cell distribution width result on the blood […]

Pros and Cons of Human Cloning
One of the great ethical debates of our era is the subject of human cloning. Cloning technology is already here, as evidenced by Dolly the sheep. Human cloning creates questions about the soul, the role of God in society, and even the quality of life that a cloned person would have. In return, however, the […]

Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods
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13 ANC Nails Pros and Cons
ANC is short for Amazing Nail Concepts. It is a dip powder product that falls between a regular manicure and fake acrylic nails. Celebrity manicurist Erica Marton calls them a “diet acrylic” product. You receive a base coat, and then a sealant is a applied from the small container of color that you select during […]
15 Artificial Sphincter Pros and Cons
An artificial sphincter supports bladder health because it replaces the muscle that controls the flow of urine out of the bladder. When contracted, the opening is closed so that accidental leakage does not occur. Under normal conditions, this muscle stays contracted until you choose to relax it to urinate. The liquid will then flow through […]
14 Hysterectomy for Fibroids Pros and Cons
Fibroids are benign tumors that are made of fibrous connective tissues and smooth muscle cells. They develop in the uterus, and up to 80% of women will have at least one of them in their lifetime. Most women do not develop symptoms or require treatment because they are not cancerous, and they do not have […]
15 Monovision Lasik Pros and Cons
Monovision, which is sometimes referred to as “blended vision,” is a method used to correct problems that occur as the eye ages. The normal aging process creates the onset of presbyopia, which can make it challenging to focus on close objects. You might discover that reading your phone, ordering food from a menu, or even […]
12 Pros and Cons of the Da Vinci Robotic Surgery
The da Vinci® Surgical System is a medical treatment option that uses a robotic surgery system to create a minimally invasive alternative for laparoscopy and some open surgeries. This technology makes it possible for doctors to make a handful of tiny incisions to treat the patient, providing better precision, control, and vision for the surgeon […]
14 Peritoneal Dialysis Pros and Cons
Peritoneal dialysis is a treatment option for kidney failure that involves the use of a person’s abdomen lining. It also uses a cleaning solution, which is called dialysate, to help clean the blood of waste products that build up and extra fluids. The peritoneum serves as a filter for this process. Unlike other forms of […]
14 Pros and Cons of the Cataract Surgery Multifocal Lens
If your health needs require a cataract surgery and you want more freedom from eyeglasses after the recovery period, then you may wish to consider a multifocal intraocular lens so that your range of clear vision can expand. In the past, before this option became available, the goal of this medical intervention was to restore […]
19 Dermaplaning Pros and Cons
Dermaplaning is an exfoliation procedure which uses physical interventions to create results. It is similar to what most guys do with their skin every day when they decide to shave, but this practice is now trending as a popular beauty treatment for women as well. The technician who performs this procedure will use a sterilized […]
15 Mirena IUD Pros and Cons
The Mirena IUD is a device which releases hormones during its placement that makes it 99% effective at preventing a pregnancy. Once it is correctly placed by your doctor, it can continue to work for up to five years. It is an option for women who may want to have children in the future or […]
11 Pros and Cons of Monovision Cataract Surgery
Monovision cataract surgery helps to correct your vision by implanting lenses which have different focusing distances. That means your cloudy, natural lenses are replaced by intraocular ones, which are called IOLs. Your doctor will give you several choices to consider for this procedure, including the type of lens that you’ll use, the surgery you prefer, […]
12 Profemin Pros and Cons
Profemin is a supplement created from a proprietary blend of botanicals. The manufacturer claims that this natural product can help to reduce or relieve the symptoms of menopause effectively without the use of hormones. Women dealing with perimenopause may also experience relief with this product. If you take one capsule in the morning and another […]
12 Rodan and Fields Pros and Cons
Rodan and Fields, or R+F as some may know it, is a multi-level marketing company and manufacturer of skincare products. It began in 2002 through the vision of Katie Rodan and Kathy Fields who are the creators of Proactiv. They would sell the branding a year later, then relaunch it in 2007 as an MLM […]
15 Ear Tubes in Toddlers Pros and Cons
Ear tubes for toddlers are typically small, hollow cylinders which are made from metal or plastic. Surgeons placed them into the eardrum of the child to create an airway that ventilates the middle ear. This outcome prevents the accumulation of fluids behind the eardrum that can lead to various infections. Too much fluid can also […]
16 Teeth Sealants Pros and Cons
Teeth sealants are a dental treatment which is a thin, plastic coating that gets painted on the surface of each tooth. The back teeth usually receive this option, but it is also possible to apply it to the entire smile as well. The goal of this product is to prevent tooth decay in combination with […]
20 Microblading Pros and Cons
Microblading is a process which allows your eyebrows to have an architecture which fits your face and style better. Your technician will form your natural eyebrows in the best shape for your face, which means every service provides customized results. The actual treatment is quite precise because the tool used is similar to a pen […]
22 Cochlear Implant Pros and Cons
A cochlear implant is an electronic medical device. It performs the work that the damaged parts of the cochlea, the inner ear, are unable to do because of injury or defect. Signals are then sent to the brain from the implant to give the individual an opportunity to hear when they would otherwise be unable […]
15 Back Dimple Piercing Pros and Cons
There is an area that sits right above your hips along your back that creates a dimpled look. They are sometimes called the Dimples of Venus because of the attention that they draw when others see them. One of the ways to accentuate this area of the body is through piercing. With a short top […]
15 Cryotherapy Pros and Cons
Cryotherapy is a treatment which includes exposure to near-freezing or freezing temperatures. Proponents of this procedure say that receiving time in extremely cold environments can improve a person’s physical or mental health. There are even claims that regular procedures can help to prolong your life. The idea of sitting in a cold tank might seem […]
15 VBAC Pros and Cons
VBAC stands for “vaginal birth after a C-section.” It occurs when a mother has another child after their previous pregnancy resulted in a caesarean section to facilitate the birth. This medical option is a possibility for many women, but there are several factors that you will want to discuss with your doctor to decide if […]
17 Tamiflu Pros and Cons
Since 2010, up to 49 million people in the United States have experience a bout with the influenza virus. In any given flu season, up to 20% of the population in every country around the world will experience the health impacts of this virus. It results in over 30 million outpatient visits in the U.S. […]