8 Health Benefits of Cherries
Many people are looking for the next up-and-coming health fad. People want that one paragon that will change their life and make them live better, healthier and longer. But what many people don’t realize is that it can be as easy as walking into your local grocery store’s produce aisle. Cherries are a popular go-to item for favorite desserts and recipes, but what many people don’t know is that they possess a wide range of health benefits as well. Here are 8 reasons to keep cherries on your grocery list.
1. Improves Digestion
Many people these days suffer from various forms of digestive problems as a result of poor digestion of the foods we consume daily. A one cup serving of cherries can contain over 2 grams of fiber alone. Dietary fiber is essential for successful digestion. Anyone who struggles with constipation or other forms of poor digestive function would benefit greatly from the beneficial fiber found is a single cup of cherries.
2. Improves Immunity
Cherries are a great immune system booster. In a day and age where super bugs are on the rise, having another tool for our body’s arsenal might just keep you out of the doctor’s chair. Cherries hold great beneficial value because of their high levels of vitamins A and C, as well as containing high levels of folate and vitamin E which help support the body’s immune system in fighting off unwanted illnesses, especially during cold and flu season.
3. Relieves Pain
There are studies that have shown that by eating cherries you can reduce pain, especially in those suffering from arthritis and migraine headaches. Cherries work great as an anti-inflammatory. Those who regularly drank tart cherry juice and ate brightly colored cherries suffered less from arthritis pain in their joints. Many people have praised the benefits of eating cherries to reduce the frequency and severity of pain in migraine sufferers as well.
4. Fights Cancer Cells
With all the benefits of this super food it’s no wonder that scientists wanted to study the amazing benefits of cherries as a cancer preventer. Studies have shown that the anthocyanin’s, the compounds that help make up a cherry, have reduced and even eliminated cancer cells while keeping the healthy cells still intact and functioning.
5. Rich in Antioxidants
Cherries provide a great source of rich anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are essential for the body and its cells to function properly. Anti-oxidants help protect and repair the cells from the toxins and free-radicals that enter our body every day. Cherries are full of anti-oxidants and help restore your cells normal function by rebuilding and reinforcing them against toxins that could potentially be extremely harmful to our bodies.
6. Anti-Inflammatory
Cherries have been linked to reduced inflammation in people who drank at least two glasses of tart cherry juice a day for over a three week period. Athletes have seen the benefits of drinking cherry juice during their training, reporting that they experienced less pain during training recovery.
7. Promotes Weight Loss
With a high fiber content and a low caloric content cherries are a perfect snack for those trying to lose weight. With the help of fiber encouraging your body to feel fuller and the low caloric count of about 87 calories per one cup, cherries are a provide someone with the perfect snack to get into those skinny jeans.
8. Ensures a Healthy Heart
When it comes to heart health cherries provide you with many advantages. Cherries have been shown to reduce cholesterol in those who consume a high fat diet. Cherries do this by releasing beneficial receptors throughout the body which has also been proven to prevent stroke.
With all that this super food contains in its tiny package, you’ll want to make sure you always keep this healthy snack well stocked in your kitchen.