The Blue Blooded Truth: Unbiased Pros and Cons of Obamacare
Obamacare has been a very hotly debated healthcare topic, of late. It is important to know the unbiased pros and cons of Obamacare to determine where your opinions falls on this issue. We are here to provide you with simply the unbiased pros and cons for Obamacare to allow you to determine how you feel about the issue. By far, most of the coverage of this from news outlets and politician never really tells you the unbiased pros and cons of Obamacare, so we hope this will be helpful for many.
There are lots of people who see quite a few pros when it comes to Obamacare. Many feel that it will help lots of poor and uninsured citizens to save money on medical expenses. It could also help to fund lots more preventative tests for older citizens as part of Medicare. Not only that, but this group argues that those who already have private coverage and wish to keep it can, by all means, under Obamacare. It will also extend coverage to young adults up to age 26 under their parent’s insurance policies.
The other side of the argument outlines many cons of the Obamacare healthcare plan. These include benefits being cut for some of the elderly who make a very high income every year. Lots of companies could also opt to drop coverage for their employees under this plan. People in this camp also see the implementation of a $95 dollar federal tax, per year, on those who opt to not have insurance of any kind as unfair. For some, they also argue, Obamacare could mean that taxes for quite a few people are increased over the next few years in order to pay for healthcare for those who sign up for Obamacare.
The Bottom Line
The unbiased pros and cons of Obamacare can be gleaned from several other articles online, as well as some guides produced by governmental agencies. Before making a final judgment, you may want to do more research, as there are lots of other unbiased pros and cons of Obamacare that cannot all be fit into a single very short article. When you determine which camp that you fall into, you may want to share your research with others, and keep this in mind when determining who to vote for in the upcoming elections.