The Tietze Syndrome is a disease that is described with the occurrence of several costal cartilages inflammation. The Tietze Syndrome is often compared to the Costochondritis but it varies greatly from the latter one. The syndrome is characterized by swelling in the costal cartilages, which is not a characteristic of the Costochondritis. Their similarity is that they are both thought to be brought about by viral infections obtained in the surgical process. This is strongly believed for the reason that numerous patients of the diseases just had their current surgery procedure.
The syndrome’s main presentation is significant and it is characterized by severe pain in the chest area. The patients of the syndrome are also suffering from some swelling and tenderness in the affected cartilages. The pain is often intensified by the respiration. Most of the time, it is considered to be extremely painful. The Tietze Syndrome is a disease that usually last up to 3 months. However, it is known to be a chronic situation. The pain that it brings can also be compared to that of heart attack and may result to paralysis, temporary numbness, panic attacks, passing out, anxiety attacks and hyper ventilating.
Several cases also have shown that many of the heart attack patients are improperly diagnosed and considered since the Tietze Syndrome has the same features as a heart attack. In cases of the women, this illness is improperly diagnosed to be Mastalgia. The Tietze Syndrome symptoms are similar to that of the Costochondritis and their main difference is that the pain radiates deep into the shoulder and arms in the case of the former.
To discuss it further, the Tietze Syndrome is the cartilage inflammation. The cartilage is the one that connects the ribs to the sternum or breastbone. The cartilage is tough and a flexible type of connective tissue all throughout the human body, even in between the bones. Its main function is to act as an absorber of shock and mould by cushioning the various joints.
The part of the cartilage that joins the breastbone and the ribs is called the costochondral joint. When this part is inflamed, it gives you severe pain and tenderness. As for the Tietze Syndrome’s case, there will be swelling in the cartilage covering the breastbone and ribs.
After few weeks, the condition brought about by the Tietze Syndrome will start recovering. You may still suffer from some swelling when the tenderness and pain have already left you. Many individual suffering from the syndrome relieve themselves by taking sufficient rest and using the necessary drugs to manage the swelling and pain better.
Tietze Syndrome Symptoms
- Sudden or gradual occurrences of tenderness and pains.
- You may suffer from sharp ache in the upper part of your ribs.
- Swelling in the area around your upper ribs.
- The presence of tenderness around the upper ribs area.
The unavoidable sudden motions of your ribs may worsen the pain every time you are going to sneeze or perform some physical activities. You may be confused with the pain and think of it as a heart attack. Just keep in your mind that the pain in the case of the heart attack is usually widespread while the Tietze Syndrome covers smaller area only.