The olfactory sense is the most powerful of the senses it has been shown to have a more powerful “memory” than the other senses. Smells can take us to faraway places that we never even realized we missed. They can also help to easily jog the memory.
Attributes of Smell
Your sense of smell is a very advanced sense. It is a key sense for survival that humans have relied on since humans have been walking the earth. Most people do not realize how profoundly their sense of smell can affect their day.
There are certain scents that are associated with relaxation. Certain scents can make your stomach rumble because they trigger the memory of food. Certain scents repel us because they are associated with danger or with products that can harm us. Just think of the last time you sniffed something foul from the fridge. You immediately recoiled in disgust.
Now think about the time you walked into your grandmother’s kitchen and smelled cookies in the oven you will immediately smile and get that warm comfy feeling.
The sense of smell plays a huge role in everything you do every day it also plays a huge role in like and dislike. Scents that attract women sexually vary. It is relative to personal taste and what a woman finds must interesting about a man. For some women they are looking for a man that is an outdoorsy type for other women it is a man that has good grooming habits. The “type” of man that she considers attractive will dictate the type of scent she is attracted to.
Pheromones are released when a man is aroused. They are also released when a woman is aroused. Like all animals humans send out signals to attract mates. Pheromones are those signals. They are natural scent enhancers that were used to attract mates.
In today’s world it is a little difficult to rely on pheromones to attract a woman or a man. There is too much stimulation and other scents that get in the way of our brains processing the pheromones. There are colognes that mimic the scent of pheromones that can be used.
Of course there are other factors that get in the way of relying on natural biological attraction. In earlier days humans linked up through scent to breed. Sex was solely used as a way to procreate today it is the opposite driving force. Sex is used for pleasure. It may be that since finding the perfect biological mate is not of such key importance anymore that the brain may even have learned to ignore those signals that are sent out by the body in the form of pheromones.
Biological matches are actually quite rare today. At one point in time complete biological matching was very important to insure success of a particular race but today the importance of a true biological match is not really considered in most cultures.
So the question remains are women attracted to the scent of a man sans cologne? The undeniable answer seems to be yes. After a great deal of research into the subject it was determined that the scent that attracts women the most (whether they realize it or not) is a freshly washed aroused male that is biologically compatible with them. The same responses are not elicited from a man that is unavailable to the woman like her father, son, brother or other close male relative.
Duplicating the Scent
Since the pheromones that are released are all natural and come from a complex process of hormone interaction it is nearly impossible to duplicate the scent but there are other scents that seem to illicit a similar response from women.
Musky scents with tones of citrus are appealing to women. It is a sophisticated scent that appeals to women because it invokes images of a gentlemanly man.
Scents with hints of basil and citrus are often considered very attractive to women. This scent raises a woman’s interest. Women are attracted to scents on men that are fresh and clean so any cologne or soap that contains citrus or basil will be perceived as clean smelling and attractive.
Woodsy scents also are very attractive to women according to documented research. Woodsy scents with notes of tarragon are very attractive to women. After all every lady wants to know that her man can take care of things if push comes to shove and they are stranded in the woods.
Flowery scents are okay as long as they are manly flowery scents. Lotus, white pear, violets are all scents that a woman is attracted to. As long as it all comes together into a masculine scent as it will work out well.
Scents that attract women are scents that come across as clean and masculine above all else. The key is that the scents are clean, masculine and not overdone. Women are easily turned off by scents that are too heavy or overpowering.