Billable Medical Code for Unspecified Disorder of Kidney and Ureter
Diagnosis Code for Reimbursement Claim: ICD-9-CM 593.9
Code will be replaced by October 2015 and relabeled as ICD-10-CM 593.9.
The Short Description Is: Renal & ureteral dis NOS.
Known As
Renal insufficiency is also known as abnl renal function, abnl renal tubular function, abnormal renal function, abnormal renal tubular function, disorder of ureter, impaired renal function, kidney disease, kidney lesion, kidney mass, renal failure syndrome, renal function impaired, renal impairment, renal insufficiency, renal mass, and ureteral disorder. This excludes chronic renal insufficiency (585.9), cystic kidney disease (753.1), nephropathy so stated (583.0-583.9), renal disease: arising in pregnancy or the puerperium (642.1-642.2, 642.4-642.7, 646.2), and not specified as acute or chronic but with stated pathology or cause (583.0-583.9). This applies to acute renal disease, acute renal insufficiency, renal disease NOS, and salt-losing nephritis or syndrome.
Renal Insufficiency Definition and Symptoms
Renal insufficiency, also referred to as renal failure, is when the kidneys no longer function well enough to maintain a normal state of health. Symptoms of renal insufficiency include fatigue, muscle cramps, skin color changes, difficulty breathing, itchy skin, dry eyes, nocturia, trouble concentrating, easy bleeding, and anemia.