Conventionally, the decision of delivering an infant by C-section (cesarean section) was created by the obstetrician of a woman. The decision was purely based on health reasons such as the baby being in a “breech” (bottom-down, head-up) position, or the cervix that will not completely dilate. Nowadays, many women are realizing that there are several other reasons for choosing a cesarean section delivery over the vaginal delivery.
In fact, more and more women are requesting their doctors from conducting planned C-sections. Even though cesarean sections are normally a very easy operation with low rates of complication, it is vital that you weigh in the pros and cons of cesarean section before deciding to undergo such procedure.
The Pros of Cesarean Section
1. With cesarean section operation, you get to know the exact birth date in advance. This form of delivery is ideal for those women who wish to be well prepared. Most women who like this advantage may schedule a cesarean section rather than waiting for the labor. In this case, making the childbirth’s logistics may seem more manageable.
2. The procedure also helps is the preservation of the vagina. Having a vaginal birth is thought to change everything. With vaginal birth, a woman will tend to feel “looser”, experience urine leakage and even the incapacity to manage bowel movements. This is not the case with cesarean section.
3. Another advantage to acquire from cesarean section is the prevention of pain from labor. Contractions during delivery and labor are recognized to cause severe pain, which most people will choose to avoid as much as possible. Having a C-section scheduled may avert the requirement of labor unless some women will undergo the labor before the date of schedule. In addition to this, the pain of post-birth after the C-section is a lot worse as compared to the pain experienced with a vaginal delivery. Therefore, if pain prevention is what you desire, keep in mind that an epidural on labor offers wonders.
The Cons of a Scheduled C-Section
1. Cesarean section requires longer time for recovery. Typically, those women who undergone a C-section have to stay inside the hospital for a couple of days and may take quite longer period in order to feel that they are back to their usual selves as compared to women who undergone vaginal deliveries. Usually, this includes moving slower, feeling weaker and maybe even finding it hard to lift the baby.
2. Women who have C-section may also draw an increased risk of breathing issues for their babies. It has been recognized that vaginal delivery and the labor process helps in the development of babies’ lungs allowing them to breathe on their own once they are out of the womb. Without undergoing a labor, babies born through planned C-sections are likely to experience respiratory distress syndrome or some other breathing issues. Those premature infants also tend to develop breathing complications because of having incompletely developed respiratory organs, especially lungs.
Aside from these, there are other concerns that need to be considered when deciding on choosing a planned cesarean section over the traditional birth delivery. Make sure to consider them before jumping into it.