Today, there are a lot of women with or without a male partner which are striving to come up with a solution on how to conceive a child the artificial way. In today’s technology and studies have greatly contributed in providing closure to this problem. The preimplantation genetic diagnosis is one of the products of ART which stands for Assisted Reproductive Technology. This method or such study is composed of medical procedure that involves a female egg and a male’s sperm in which could possibly produce a baby without genetic diseases. Thus, it will help contribute to the progress of humanity when it comes to health and disease control.
The Pros of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
- This method or study can be beneficial for those women who do not want a male partner but wants a child of her own without ongoing physical contact or known to many as sexual intercourse.
- This medical procedure can be beneficial for couples that are experiencing infertility or the lack of capability reproduce. Thus, this will help both parties to go beyond their incapability to conceive a baby.
- Preimplantation genetic diagnosis has the capability to sort out anomalies of human or such known as diseases which will be able to help not only couples but whole humanity.
- This assisted reproductive method does not only contribute to the welfare of the child after birth but also during pregnancy. Studies show that this medical procedure reduces miscarriage by sorting out disease related to miscarriage. With this, it produces a good candidate which has greater chances rather than unplanned or undiagnosed pregnancy.
- This method of reproduction provides women the choice to select and decide which sperm donor to take. With this there is a high probability for women to produce a baby in which of her choosing.
- Preimplantation genetic diagnosis provides not only clients but also medical practitioners as well as scientist better understanding of human diseases and will enable them to foresee underlying problems and come up with a better solution.
The Cons of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
- This reproduction and diagnosis method of reproduction though has greater point of view and function yet does not have been proven to be effective at all times. This is mainly because of unethical issues and uncertainties that needed further improvement and study.
- This reproduction method varies from one clinic to the other which means the current status of this certain preimplantation genetic diagnosis is not yet stable and globally approved and recommended.
- The assisted reproductive technology and procedure cost a lot of money time in which it is not yet applicable for people to take this procedure lightly.
- Each and every procedure may it be medical or mechanical will always produce uncertainties such as failure which will always contribute to rate of success or loss.
- There are a lot of ethical questions that contribute to the inefficiency of this study in which have contributed a lot of uncertainties and misunderstanding.
- This method is proven to hold uncertainties which it needs further reconfirmation of test result which will be costly for both time and money.
For every decision an individual takes there is always a risk that harbor consequences. Being aware of what may come will help you acknowledge the things you must do. For conceiving a child is a very serious matter that needs a lot of time and money which is one of the things that are irreversible.