When a baby is born, its a beautiful event. New life is breathed into the constantly changing world, family is greeted by a new member. While after the childbirth process, in which the child is born and able to be regulated without doctor interference, can be a happy time, the process of both childbirth and planning childbirth can be a stressful experience. This stressful experience can result in a unsafe rise in blood pressure, which can then turn into Preeclampsia, a condition that’s commonly found in pregnancy situations.
What It Is
Preeclampsia has origins dating back to 4th and 5th century Greece, however advancements towards the disorder did not come to fruition until 1985. The condition was mistakenly named toxemia of pregnancy, however this was changed after toxins in the body were seen as not causes of Preeclampsia. Worldwide, Preeclampsia affects 2-8% of the pregnant population, with symptoms generally forming 32 weeks after pregnancy.
Common symptoms of Preeclampsia, are swelling, convulsions, and intense abdominal pains. Although these symptoms are indicators, they do a poor job distinguishing Preeclampsia, as these are regular symptoms for somebody that’s pregnant, thus making the symptoms ineffective unless they are combined. Treating Preeclampsia exists in several methods, however they usually deal with delivering the fetus and placenta, making it the only definitive treatment.
The risks and necessities of the fetus should counteract each other, making the demands equalized. Prevention of Preeclampsia can occur in many ways, the most common being prohibiting smoking until conception. Smoking decreases can reduce the risks of gaining Preeclampsia. Also, adding more calcium to a diet, can help prevent Preeclampsia properties from forming. Lastly, regular aspirin consumption has shown a 10% decrease of Preeclampsia cases.
Is It Hereditary?
The exact cause of Preeclampsia is unclear, however many causes have either shown separate influences or group ones. An overwhelming amount of protein in the urine and long-term blood pressure are the two main causes, generating problems during pregnancy. Dietary factors have shown either an increase of decrease of chances, while environmental like air pollution has shown increase. As for if Preeclampsia is a hereditary disorder, the answer is yes and no. Yes, hereditary factors do relate to the disorder, however they have not been fully tested and concluded on. So in short, it may be inherited, however it is an irregular phenomena, due to both limited testing and research on the disorder.