Billable Medical Code for Other Specified Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy
Diagnosis Code for Reimbursement Claim: ICD-9-CM 356.8
Code will be replaced by October 2015 and relabeled as ICD-10-CM 356.8.
The Short Description Is: Idio periph neurpthy NEC.
Known As
Peripheral neuropathy is also known as axonal sensorimotor neuropathy, chronic idiopathic ataxic neuropathy, demyelinating sensorimotor neuropathy, disease related peripheral neuropathy, idiopathic chronic neuropathy, mixed sensory-motor polyneuropathy, neuropathy (nerve damage) peripheral axonal nerve, neuropathy peripheral axonal nerve, paralysis, supranuclear, peripheral axonal neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, axonal nerve, strachan’s syndrome, supranuclear gaze palsy, and supranuclear paralysis. This applies to supranuclear paralysis.
Peripheral Neuropathy Definition and Symptoms
Peripheral neuropathy is when one or more of the peripheral nerves in the spinal cord do not work properly or are damaged. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include extreme sensitivity to touch, a lack of coordination, muscle weakness if the motor nerves are affected, digestive and bladder problems if the autonomic nerves are affected, skin changes, a burning pain, heat intolerance, numbness and tingling that gradually gets worse in the feet or hands, and hair and nail changes.