There’s nothing worse than having discolored and painful toe nails. If you have discolored and painful toe nails, you may have Onychomycosis. Fortunately, home remedies for Onychomycosis are available in your kitchen. With Onychomycosis home remedies, you can treat this infection without having to consult your doctor. Some of the best home remedies for toe nail fungus are the following:
The Top 4 Onychomycosis Home Remedies
1. Vinegar
Mix equal parts of vinegar and water. Soak your nails into the warm solution for about 15-20 minutes. Take off your feet only if you feel that the water cools down. Ideally, you need to do this twice a day – during the early morning and in the evening before you got to bed. Adding vitamin E to vinegar and water solution will help speed up the healing process.
2. Vicks Vapor Rub
Vicks vapor rub can help treat toe nail fungus before it gets worse. Never mind the strong aroma of Vicks vapor rub, as this can help you cure the infection. Apply Vicks vapor rub over the infected toe nail. Cover your toe nail with a clean cloth or a band aid to let it dry thoroughly. Do this twice a day – during early morning and before bedtime.
3. Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar Solution
Mix baking soda and apple cider vinegar to make a rub or paste. This Onychomycosis home can help you treat the infection in a two way process. Firstly, soak your toe in pure apple cider vinegar for about 20-30 minutes. Secondly, rub your infected toe nail with the paste you made out of 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar and 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda. Like other Onychomycosis home remedies, you need to do this twice a day.
4. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has high antimicrobial properties and acts as a natural healer. Mix tea tree oil and Vitamin E and then rub it your infected toe nail. Do this twice daily. Keep a bottle of tea tree oil and Vitamin E mixture in your pocket to apply the solution to your toe nail anytime you want.
Onychomycosis home remedies are not just cost effective, but also easy to try, a quick remedy, and an effective solution to embarrassing situations. However, you need to remember to be consistent on the Onychomycosis home remedy that you choose. Onychomycosis is an infection that can be pesky, which means that it will keep on recurring. These Onychomycosis home remedies will not just help treat the infection, but get rid of it permanently.
Another thing that you need to keep in mind is to keep your toes and fingers dry at all times. Wear clean socks every day, and avoid wearing the same shoes every day as possible as you can. You can keep your feet dry at all times by applying foot powder to your toe nails. Do not forget to take off your shoes immediately after you get home. Apply the home remedies for Onychomycosis and you will get the results that you want in no time.