Esthetician salary varies greatly from one city to another, across the states in the country and it can also vary in the same city or district depending on the place where one works and how much experience one possesses.
Job Description
An esthetician is essentially a skin care specialist. As a skin care specialist, an esthetician offers cosmetic treatments. The cosmetic treatments may include skin cleansing therapies, massages and various procedures that are aimed at ensuring healthy skin and to conceal skin conditions, marks or aftermaths of medical and nonmedical procedures. An esthetician may work independently, may be employed at a salon or parlor or may assist a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. Depending on the specific specialization of an esthetician, the services offered can be medical, nonmedical or a combination of both.
Typically, an esthetician would be an expert in facial, skin massages, light therapy, waxing or hair removal and various kinds of treatments for the skin. The premise or domain of an esthetician can be purely cosmetic such as in the beauty industry or it can be completely medical such as in the forte of a plastic or cosmetic surgeon and that of a dermatologist.
Salary Of An Esthetician
According to a salary report published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the salary of an esthetician is about $31,720 per year. This number varies greatly as the higher earners among estheticians make around $42,680 per annum while the least earners make approximately $31,120 per year on an average.
The hourly wage, the monthly salary and the total yearly salary including bonuses and commissions depend on several factors. One dominant factor is where an esthetician works. If an esthetician is working at health and personal care stores then one may earn an hourly wage of $14.96. The consequent yearly salary of such an esthetician will be $31,120. If an esthetician is working at outpatient care, then one may earn an hourly wage of $20.52 and a yearly salary of $42,680. An esthetician working at hospitals such as in medical or surgical departments will earn an hourly wage of $19.47 and a yearly salary of $40,500. One working at department stores, for physicians and in the recreation industry will earn an hourly wage of around $17.00 to $19.00 and their yearly salary will be about $33,000 to $37,000.
Considering the range of esthetician salary, the average in the United States is about $15.25 an hour and $31,720 a year.
Salary Based On Experience Of An Esthetician
Like in any profession, more experienced estheticians will earn more than those with little to no experience. An esthetician who has less than one year experience or is just starting out after formal training will earn about $20,000 in the first year. This number can go up to $50,000 as one is more experienced and depending on where one practices and how efficient one is. As one progresses through the year, the income may increase considerably, especially owing to bonuses and commissions. Estheticians may also be a part of multiple practices if one is self employed. Estheticians with five years of experience or more will earn more than $50,000, including commissions and bonuses.
The experience is not just weighed in based on the number of years one has practiced but also where one has practiced. Estheticians also have a clientele and a documented history of their practice. Thus, all such factors come into play while determining the salary of an esthetician. Those with an impeccable history and a reputation that is beyond dispute can earn more than $60,000 at top practices in a city.
If an esthetician ventures out on his or her own, then the salary depends entirely on the revenue generated by the practice. Per hour wages, bonuses and scheme of commissions do not come into play in such cases.
Salaries Vary Across States
Like in most professions, esthetician salary varies from one state to another. In California, one can earn about $48,670. Massachusetts offers about $44,630, Alaska pays about $47,170, Indiana pays a little less at about $40,580 and District of Columbia as well as Maine pay about $41,160. Oregon pays about $42,180, New Hampshire pays $40,410 and the states of Connecticut, New Mexico and Montana pay considerably more than $50,000. In Washington, the average is about $43,260.
Across these states, the actual hourly wage, the yearly salary, bonuses and commissions will depend on where one practices and on the terms of employment. Some estheticians may not be entitled to commissions, especially those who have little to no experience. As an esthetician builds a clientele and develops a reputation of his or her own, the commissions will be integral to the salary. Apart from the experience, the place and type of employment; the quality of training, education and expertise of an esthetician will determine the eventual salary.