The HTN blood test is ordered to search for an understanding behind an individual’s hypertension. Most people simply refer to hypertension as high blood pressure. The measurement is of the force that is being pushed against the walls of a person’s arteries. When the heart beats, the blood is pumped throughout the circulatory system. This is the first reading, which is called the systolic reading. When the heart is not beating, the pressure levels fall. The second result is called the diastolic reading.
Most people have their blood pressure taken every time they go to a medical provider. There are also at-home tests that can be used to measure results and some stores even have machines that are free to use as well. It is a condition that affects millions of people every day, usually has no physical symptoms associated with it, and can even affect children.
What Do My Test Results Mean?
There are several results which may occur because of the HTN blood test. Depending on what the results happen to be, then several options may be suggested by a medical provider. The results are listed with the systolic reading first, followed by the diastolic reading. In print, it would look like this: 110/76. The provider checking a person’s pressure may say “110 over 76” when announcing the results.
- Low blood pressure.
Most medical providers only considered a low HTN result to be an issue if it remains chronically low. Although there are various levels of “low” throughout the medical community, anything that is below 90/60. - Normal blood pressure.
Anything that is 119/79 or below is considered to be a normal result. Even readings in the low range are considered normal if there isn’t a history of low blood pressure. - Pre-HTN blood pressure.
Results that are 120/80 – 139/89 are considered to be prehypertension. Although this issue isn’t usually a critical finding, it may indicate that hypertension may occur in the future. - High blood pressure.
Results above 140/90 are considered to be high blood pressure. This may indicate that hypertension is present and that it may need to be treated.
High blood pressure increases the risks of a serious problem occurring. Heart attacks, organ failure, and stroke may all happen because of the presence of hypertension.
It is also important to remember that blood pressure results can vary from person to person over the span of just a few minutes. A more accurate reading comes from taking several blood pressure tests over a period of time and then averaging the results. In the span of just 15 minutes, a person’s overall systolic readings may fluctuate by as many as 20 points.
How Can the HTN Blood Test Results Be Managed?
For those who are told that they have hypertension or have a pre-HTN condition, there are a number of treatment options that are available. Sometimes the most effective treatment options are simple lifestyle changes. Getting some extra exercise every day, eating a low-fat diet, and avoiding stimulants like caffeine can help to bring down a person’s blood pressure over time. For high blood pressure results above 140/90, this recommendation may be paired with medications to help lower the numbers.
For those who are smokers and have high HTN results, a recommendation to stop smoking will typically be included on the treatment plan. Alcohol should also be avoided and a medical provider may also recommend maintaining a diet that is low in salt.
It is also important to manage the signs and symptoms of stress if hypertension is suspected. Stress can cause physical problems that include heart disease, emotional instability, and even psychological illnesses. People who are experiencing high levels of stress tend to comfort themselves with food, which can lead to an unhealthy weight and that may raise HTN results. Losing just 5 pounds can help someone lower their blood pressure by up to 10%.
Even if there is high blood pressure right now, steps can be taken today to start limiting the damage that hypertension may cause and to help the body begin to heal. Try to limit screen time in front of televisions, computers, and mobile devices to remain active. Limit portions during meals, have healthy snacks in the house, and follow all instructions given by a medical provider.
Hypertension is often called the “silent killer” because it can cause life threatening symptoms without anyone ever knowing it is there. For those who don’t visit a medical provider on a regular basis, consider purchasing your own HTN blood test device that can be used at home to get results. It could be a purchase that one day saves your life.