Wood furniture is very expensive and it is also difficult to maintain. It is prone to damage which is typically caused by termites and other insects that can eat wood. These tiny living creatures are not only an eyesore because the damage imposed by them can be far from obtaining it fixed. Killing the termites and other wood-eating insects can be done by pest control companies with ease. On the other hand, the chemical that is coming from the spray solutions they use can be dangerous as well.
It is very important to control these insects and stop them from penetrating your home to avoid any possible damage to your properties. You must start searching for a natural method that can keep the environment clean and your furniture safe. To get rid of these pests, the best and safest way to choose can be the available home remedies for termites. These alternatives will kill the insects that can infect your furniture overtime.
The Best Home Remedies for Termites
Keep in mind that it is very crucial to pay attention to this matter right from the start because termites are capable of destroying not only your furniture but even your entire home. Following any of these remedies will definitely keep your furniture okay. The first one is to soak some cotton balls on a bottle of sodium chloride. Sodium chloride is the organic compound that can be used as a cleansing agent. Seal the cotton balls inside a plastic cover then place it under your table or sofa. This particular method will not only kill the insects as it can also stop them from coming back.
Maintaining your wood furniture is also very necessary. Regular polishing of furniture that is made of wood is a must to keep it away from termites and any other insects that can eat wood. However, you should not forget to make sure that you will use high quality paint in doing the job.
Another example of home remedies for termites is the aloe vera. This plant can kill insects like termites. To use it, you just need to crush the whole plant then soak it in the water. Make sure that the entire parts of the plant sank into the water. After some hours, you can start using the water and spray it on the insects.
Petroleum jelly is good for dried wood furniture. Rub & leave it throughout the night or longer and buff it by using a soft fabric. It is an easy procedure. Mix ¼ cup of white vinegar & a cup of olive oil inside a container. Shake it well then apply the polish on your furniture by using a cloth.
One more example of home remedies for termites that you can try today is the boric acid powder. Apply it on the furniture to help in eradicating the termites. Mix the water and boric acid powder then apply the solution onto the furniture by using your hand sprayer. Or, you can use a paint brush so that you can apply the solution to the entire accessible wooden surfaces of your home. This would help in killing the termites and stop them from invading your home.
These are the best home remedies that you can use to get your problem solved. These remedies are completely natural so these won’t cause harm to your home and to your whole family. Try any of these today and believe that they really work.