There are several types of health problems that people are really afraid to acquire since it would greatly affect the healthy condition of their body. These people really need to make sure that they aware of the natural and healthy ways on how to prevent such health problems in occurring in their body. One of the most common health problems that people are very particular with is dry socket. This is a health problem wherein there is an inflammation of your jawbone or the so called alveolar bone right after undergoing a tooth extraction surgery. This dry socket is also referred to as alveolar osteitis that provides different complications after extracting tooth in your mouth.
This dry socket is commonly caused by losing of blood clot in your tooth socket after the extraction of tooth. It is normal that after the extraction of tooth, blood clot is formed as part of the healing, covering and protecting your jawbone. But, if this blood clot will be lose or doesn’t even formed or exit, the jawbone will be exposed to bacterial, chemical and even other viruses and the healing process will be totally delayed.
For those people who are already experiencing the effect of this dry socket, there are several home remedies for dry socket you may do in order to prevent other dry socket causes in your mouth. These home remedies for dry socket includes:
The Top 6 Home Remedies For Dry Socket
1. Putting on the outside portion of your face cold packs. Cold packs are required to be placed on your face after the initial 48 hours right after the tooth extraction. After putting cold packs, the next thing to be placed would be warm packs in order to reduce the pain and even the swelling condition of your tooth.
2. Take the prescribed medications of your dentist which would serve as a pain reliever.
3. After tooth extraction, people must have in mind that they should avoid smoking cigarettes and even other tobacco products. This would greatly help in preventing the presence of this dry socket.
4. Drinking plenty of water in order to keep hydrated all the time. This would also prevent nausea and other symptoms of dry socket to arise.
5. Rinsing your mouth regularly with warm water with salt content. It is very important in order to heal the extracted tooth area and prevent swelling as well.
6. Brushing your teeth regularly and gently on the areas where dry socket is seen. This is very important in securing that the pain would be continuously removed as you practice brushing the areas regularly.
Dry socket is very infectious in a sense that this may affect other areas in your mouth. Hence, it is recommended that as early as possible you must be familiar with some of the home remedies for dry socket. This will allow you to have an advanced knowledge and idea as to how you are going to deal with it.
Following these home remedies for dry socket is very essential since these are all proven to be effective and healthy to be practiced. The result that you are going to get after doing some of these home remedies will greatly play an important role in preventing the infectious and harmful symptoms of dry socket.