Ear mites make up more than half of ear infections in cats. They’re annoying and at times painful to the cat. Even though not dangerous, cat ear mites are infectious. If left untreated, it can result in too much scratching. Aside from this, wounds behind the cat’s ears might become infected. Usual treatments include using oil-based pesticides to kill the ear mites. Home remedies for cat ear mites are gentler, but any treatment should be continued for some time.
Check Your Cat For Ear Mites
To check your cat for this parasite, use a cotton swab immersed in vegetable or mineral oil. Fold the cat’s ear flap back then wipe the cotton ball in its ear. If there’s a coffee grind like stuff or black debris on the cotton swab, then the cat has ear mites.
Clean Ears With Mineral Or Vegetable Oil
Clean the ears of your cat first with mineral or vegetable oil or you can also purchase a cleaning solution. Follow the directions stated on the bottle when cleaning the ears. Always clean the ear first before treating your cat.
The Top 4 Home Remedies For Cat Ear Mites
1. Olive Oil and Vitamin E
One of the home remedies for cat ear mites that you can use is a mixture of Olive Oil and Vitamin E. Combine one capsule of Vitamin E and 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil. Use it to clean the cat’s ears. Using an equal amount in a syringe, squirt the mixture in the ears of your pet and spread it out. Wait for 5 minutes and then massage the base of the ears with your forefinger and thumb. Wipe out the mite debris using a cotton swab. Repeat this process every day for 7 days. Vitamin E heals the cat’s ears and Olive Oil suffocates the mites.
2. White Vinegar and Water
You can also use white vinegar and water. The solution can be diluted to half and half. Use 1 teaspoon in a syringe or dropper in every ear. Massage the base of your cat’s ear with your forefinger and thumb. Use cotton swabs to remove the mite debris. Do this for 7 days and then stop for 7 days. Don’t use this method if the ears of your car are swollen and red or have open wounds.
3. Olive Oil and Garlic
Olive oil and garlic combined are also great for eliminating ear mites. Crush garlic and immerse it all night in warm olive oil. Warm up the olive oil and discard the clove. Add five drops to every year for twenty-one days. This is one of the home remedies for cat ear mites that smother the ear mites.
4. Calendula and Aloe Essential Oils
You can also use Calendula and Aloe essential oils. These oils are very soothing to the ears of the cat and have worked wonders for eliminating ear mites. Both oils can be purchased at local health food stores. You can add several drops to the ears of the cat once every day for 21 days. These oils possess a healing effect, so if the cat has painful or inflamed ears, this will certainly help.
These are some of the best home remedies for cat ear mites. Make sure to treat your cat once you see that it displays some symptoms of having ear mites.