Hip Labral tears or acetabular larbrum tear is an injury that causes stiffness, pain and other related disabling symptoms. The hip labral tear symptoms occur once the labrum gets torn, damaged or frayed. It is an injury commonly experienced by people aged 20 to 40. These people need a certain treatment for them to get better and stay functional. Acetabular labrum is a tough rim of cartilage that can be found in the hop socket. It is a vital part to help the hip normally function. This part is the one that provides stability to your joint as well. It is also that part that enables you to move in different directions. However, your movement will be affected once this part develops a tear.
Tear in the hip labral occurs due to injuries caused by running, slipping and twisting. It can also be caused by the abnormal shape as well as structure of the hip labral. There are also small types of injuries that can lead to the tear of the labral like pivoting motions that are repetitive. Even the smallest of injury can lead to the tear of hip labral. You may not know about that at first, but if you let yourself be aware of the hip labral tear symptoms, the tear can be prevented from getting worse.
2 Hip Labral Tear Symptoms to Watch Out For
1. The feeling of discomfort is one of the symptoms associated with the hip labral tear. Others may feel discomfort, but there are others who do not. Some people have experienced a sharp pain surrounding the groin. If not dealt with right away, the sharp pain may extend to your upper leg and buttocks. There are pains that come suddenly and slowly increase in intensity. When this is felt, you will find it difficult to rotate your leg since it gets painful. There is also the feeling of your leg “clicking” or catching in your hip as you move. If nothing is done to treat the condition, the stress on your join will just increase until it becomes permanently damaged.
2. Stiffness of the joint and the instability feeling can also be experienced. The pain tends to intensify if you stand, sit or walk for a long time. If you are always performing activities, expect that this condition will limit you from enjoying these.
These hip labral tear symptoms are vital in preventing the condition from turning into a disability. Once you are aware of the symptoms, you will know how necessary it is to go to your doctor. If you are diagnosed to have a hip labral tear, your doctor will start with a conservative treatment. It is important to limit using or stressing your hip once you start feeling the pain or symptoms of the condition. This will let you rest your hip and prevent further damages on the tear. You can take painkillers as recommended by your doctor to relieve the pain. There are times in life where you cannot avoid accidents and injuries. So, it is better to practice caution and carefulness to avoid developing injuries like a tear in the hip labral.