Any problems in our organs can be a huge health concern. One area of the body that is commonly affected is parts of the digestive system. The gallbladder and the liver are two main parts of this system. They are very close to each other, next door neighbors actually, but perform two very different functions. When either of these organs develop a disease big problems can arise. It is greatly important to recognize the symptoms of problems with each organ and to get medical treatment.
Gallbladder Disease Information
1. Basics
Cholecystitis, also known as gallbladder disease, is when the gallbladder becomes inflamed. Our gallbladder is a small organ on the right side of the body just beneath the liver. It holds bile, a digestive liquid, that is releases into the small intestine. Different things can cause cholecystitis.
2. Symptoms
The symptoms that are associated with gallbladder problems usually occur after a large meal that contains a lot of fat. They include nausea, fever, very severe pain in the right of the abdomen, radiating pain, and tenderness, a feeling of fullness, chills, Jaundice and vomiting.
3. Causes
A couple of different things can be the culprit in causing gallbladder problems. Gallstones are the most common. This is when hard deposits form in the gallbladder from an imbalance of cholesterol and salt in your bile. They block the tube that the biles flows through can causes it to build up. Bile duct blockage can also cause cholecystitis which can be caused from a “kink” or scarring in the bile ducts. Lastly, a tumor may be to blame. They can form in the gallbladder and obstruct the tubes that bile flows through.
4. Treatment
If cholecystitis is diagnosed the person will most likely be hospitalized in order to treat the problem immediately. Treatment options include antibiotics to fight any infections that may have developed in the gallbladder, medication to help control the pain, and fasting is regularly used in order to relieve some of the stress on your gallbladder. Most people with this condition will eventually require surgery in order to remove either gallstones, or the entire gallbladder.
Liver Disease Overview
1. Basics
The liver is a very important organ that helps us to filter toxins out of our body and aids in digestion. It is about the size of a football and is located right under the rib cage on the right side of the body. Liver disease can be caused by many things and can be potentially life threatening.
2. Symptoms
Symptoms of liver disease can include but are not limited to a dark color of urine, loss of appetite, unusually easy bruising, swelling in legs, yellow colored skin and eyes as known as jaundice, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, chronic fatigue, blood stool, very itchy skin, and nausea or vomiting. If you have any signs of liver disease it is important to see a doctor immediately.
3. Causes
Liver disease can be caused by a plethora of different things. Some of the most common causes are immune system problems in which your immune system attacks other parts of the body, viruses such as Hepatitis, cancers, long time alcohol abuse, and an excessive amount of fat that accumulates in the liver. People that are obese, have diabetes, use intravenous drugs, and heavy alcohol users are at a much higher risk of developing liver disease.
4. Treatment
The treatment for liver disease depends on the cause. Many people can cure their liver disease with lifestyle and diet changes like cutting out alcohol and improving your diet. Others can be improved with the use of various medications. In severe cases surgery or even transplant may be necessary.
Differences Between Gallbladder and Liver Disease
1. Location
Gallbladder disease is a problem with the gallbladder, which holds bile for digestion. Liver disease is when the liver is effected to the point that it cannot work to filter toxins properly.
2. Cause
Liver disease is caused by many different things, one of the most common is heavy chronic alcohol use and obesity. Gallbladder disease is caused by gallstones that block the ducts that bile flow through. These can be caused by diet and an imbalance of substances like salt in the gallbladder.
3. Treatment
The focus of treatment for gallbladder disease is the remove whatever is blocking the bile ducts, this often involves non invasive surgery or fasting. With liver disease medications and surgery are two common treatments.
4. Importance
The biggest difference between gallbladder disease and liver disease is the importance of the organ effected. Our liver is an essential organ that we cannot live without, this means that if surgery is required to remove a diseased liver than a transplant is also necessary for a person to live. With gallbladder disease, the entire organ can be removed with out having extreme effects on our bodies. We can live without our gallbladder.