Fibrin split products [FSPs] are protein fragments. They are released when a blood clot begins to discover. The FSP blood test is one of many that is used to measure how well a person’s blood is able to coagulate. Everyone will have FSPs present when clots begin to resolve themselves after an injury. When clots are forming too often, the FSP blood test will come back with an abnormally high result. Low results occur when there is not enough clotting present.
The FSP blood test may also be ordered to rule out the presence of a blood clot that may be dangerous and in an inappropriate location. A pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, and stroke will all be part of the diagnostic evaluation process when this blood test is ordered for some patients.
When Is the FSP Blood Test Ordered?
The FSP blood test is a relatively common test that is ordered. It will often be part of the testing package when a patient reports to an emergency room with symptoms of a potentially serious condition. It may also be ordered immediately when one of the following symptoms can be seen.
1. Tenderness or pain that is usually seen in only one leg.
2. Edema that occurs in one or both legs unexpectedly.
3. A discoloration of the leg that cannot be attributed to a recent injury.
It may also be immediately ordered when the symptoms of a pulmonary embolism are present. This includes a sudden shortness of breath or the presence of labored breathing, blood that comes out while coughing, or chest pain that can be attributed to the lungs.
For many patients, the FSP blood test is actually ordered when a doctor believes that the symptoms are being caused by something other than these medical emergencies. That is because it is a fast and cost-effective way to eliminate some of the worst case scenarios that occur.
What Are the Risk Factors of Having a Blood Clot?
Although FSP is generally used to exclude a blood clot that is inappropriate, there are certain risk factors that can increase the chances of someone experiencing a positive test result. Being overweight, smoking on a regular basis, or having prolonged sedentary activities all increase the chances of a positive test result occurring. It may also be present in certain inherited disorders.
Any time a trauma occurs to the human body, a FSP blood test result may be positive. This includes broken bones or a major surgery. Living in an assisted living facility or nursing home also increases the risks.
What Do the FSP Blood Test Results Mean?
Most people who have the FSP blood test will have either a negative or normal result. This means that the protein levels are appropriate and that there is a high chance that a serious chronic or acute condition is not breaking down clots within the body. It’s often used as a screening tool for thrombosis and a negative or normal result typically indicates that the individual is healthy.
Elevated levels of FSP could indicate the presence of a clotting problem, a serious disease, or that a woman may be pregnant. Having elevated levels does not guarantee the presence of a clotting problem, but does make it more likely. Doctors are unable to use this blood test to determine where an inappropriate blood clot may be located.
Low levels of FSP are generally considered to be normal. This is why the results are sometimes listed as “negative” when received from a lab. In some specific instances, low FSP levels may be an indication that the blood is too thin and coagulation could be problematic. Taking too much aspirin or regular blood thinners may also create this type of result.
What Can Be Done About These Results?
Age is a risk factor for higher levels of FSP. The concentrations of these proteins will typically rise as people get older. This makes it more possible for a false positive to occur. Elderly patients that have also tested positive for high levels of rheumatoid factor will also have a higher than normal chance of receiving a false positive.
Sometimes the FSP blood test is used to track the success of a treatment plan. It may also be used as a general measurement of personal health. If your FSP blood test results come back as positive or high, then be sure to speak with your doctor about the information in this guide so that you can find a solution that will meet your current health needs.