Feeding tubes are designed to offer nutrients to patients that are sick or have swallowing complications. Feeding tubes offer liquid nutritional supplements to patients that can’t take in food or drink by mouth. Water and medicine are often also inserted with the use of feeding tubes. This means that the purpose of feeding tubes is to offer all individuals with the means to obtain the nutrients that are necessary to survival and recovery. Usually the most ill patients or those with serious conditions are the ones in need of feeding tubes. Although feeding tubes are designed to help with recovery, there are both pros and cons associated with the use of feeding tubes.
Feeding tubes are used in many different situations with many different patients, but before you or a loved one are placed on feeding tubes you should become more informed. Not everything about feeding tubes is beneficial.
Con: Risk
There is no way to avoid the risk that is associated with the use of feeding tubes. In order for a feeding tube to provide a patient with nutrients, it is required that a procedure take place. The feeding tube is inserted into an opening in the abdomen that is designed to hold the tube in place.
Con: Mechanical and Not Natural
A feeding tube is a mechanical process and there is no way for the stomach to communicate to the tube that it is full. Sometimes results in fluid overflow within the stomach. This is not ideal and most hospitals take precautions to ensure that this does not take place, but sometimes it is unavoidable. This overflow of fluid in the stomach can lead to infection or even a backup of fluid in the lungs.
Con: Uncomfortable
Feeding tubes are designed to offer the nutrients that are needed, but they are not very comfortable for patients. Many patients that have feeding tubes try to pull the tubes out relentlessly. This can lead to patients that must be sedated to ensure that the feeding tubes remain in place.
Pro: Nutrition That Is Needed
No matter your physical condition, you must have the nutrients that are required for survival. Feeding tubes allow your body to get the nutrients that are needed to promote recovery and healing.
Pro: Not Permanent
Feeding tubes are used in specific cases for patients that require unique treatment. They are only used until the body is strong enough to obtain nutrients through the consumption of traditional food.