From the previous years until now, there are no records of famous people with dysthymic disorder. However, there are some celebrities who suffered from several types of mood disorders. Most of them experienced mild and safe symptoms. Dysthymic disorder is a mood disorder that consists of similar physical and mental issues that are associated with depression. This is not just a simple health issue that needs simple medicines. Even though it is not a risky mood disorder, the signs and symptoms of it can last for years.
The other terms that are used in describing this mental illness are chronic depression and neurotic depression. It can be acquired usually along with other mental disorders. The term used when major depression and dysthymia are combined is “Double Depression”. When you are experiencing hypomanic and dysthymic moods, it means that you are suffering from cyclothymia.
This is also a mild and alternative bipolar disorder and curable. Even though this is a curable mental disorder, you will surely suffer from the signs and symptoms of it for 6 months or years. That’s why you will need to undergo an efficient and continuous medication to prevent it from getting worse. The signs and symptoms of this mood disorder is having low self esteem or self confidence, low capacity in every day’s pleasure, and having a low energy.
Patients who have mild symptoms of this mood disorder always avoid failures in some of their opportunities and there are times that they withdraw from stress. But, for patients who experience the serious signs and symptoms, they always tend to withdraw from their daily activities. They are looking for a small pleasure from their pastimes and activities. When it comes to diagnosing dysthymia, doctors are having difficulties because the signs and symptoms of it are usually hidden in case of social situations.
There are some situations wherein patients who have dysthymia are having a suicidal behavior. They are the ones need to be monitored regularly because they can easily decide if they want to commit suicide or not. This mood disorder has no biological causes but there are several indications in some genetic predispositions to this condition. In fact, there is a high rate of depression to families with members who have dysthymia. There are several factors that are associated with this disorder and these are social isolation, lack of social support, and stress.
The treatment and medical procedures that should be undergone by patients who have dysthymia are therapy, medication, and resistance. Psychotherapy is getting more popular due to the impressive result that it provides. Resistance is the treatment that is rarely used by doctors. They usually choose the combination of therapy and medication because it provides an immediate result to their patients. Aside from that, it also supports them in diagnosing those patients who might have this kind of condition. With these two, patients who suffer from the mild and severe conditions of this mental disorder will have the chance to survive and get their normal lives back.