Dyslexia is a unique learning disability that is not connected to intelligence. It is a very common condition that is still a bit of a mystery to most. As more is understood about dyslexia, it is easier to understand the causes and symptoms of this condition. Dyslexia is categorized as hereditary and it is found that parents with dyslexia have about a 40% chance of having a child with the same condition.
How Is Dyslexia Genetically Passed?
Since the cause of dyslexia is not completely know, all of the genetic links to this condition are not completely understood. However, it has been proven through research that dyslexia is passed through families and if one identical twin has dyslexia. It is very common for the other twin to also have the same condition. There have been genes that have been linked to dyslexia, but it is still unknown how exactly these genes alter the brain. This condition is seen as genetic and neurological in form, which means that it is not caused by a lack of intelligence or improper teaching. In fact, many people with dyslexia are actually characterized as brilliant.
What Is Dyslexia?
This is a condition that involves a reading disability. The reading disability is very specific and it is due to a defect within the brain that inhibits its ability to process symbols accurately. This condition only involves the brain’s ability to compute written information and is not linked to intelligence at all. This means that individuals suffering from dyslexia will have trouble recognizing words, spelling and decoding messages. The condition of dyslexia involves reading, but it also deals with the ability to understand what is read.
Dyslexia Varies
Not everyone experiences dyslexia in the same way. This means that the symptoms of this condition vary greatly and each person has their own experience with dyslexia. The only shared symptom of this condition is a lower reading level than peers of the same age. This is one of the most common learning disabilities in existence and it can be managed once it is properly diagnosed. Living with dyslexia is common.
Boys Are More likely To Have Dyslexia
Although dyslexia is hereditary, it is also found that this condition is more prominent in boys than in girls. Boys are about 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with this condition. The cause for this is still unknown.