The difference between wet and dry macular degeneration is the way the degeneration begins, the age it begins and the outcome. In both cases the eye is damaged although the wet macular degeneration is a sudden onset and the dry macular degeneration happens over time in both cases blindness in one or both the eyes is possible.
This is a serious degenerative eye disease that needs to be taken seriously. In both cases the symptoms are similar and as soon as the symptoms are noticed it is important to get attention from an eye car professional.
Wet Macular Disease
The wet macular disease can happen at any stage in life but it is more likely to occur with older adults. The “wet” part comes from tiny blood vessels behind the retina that grow abnormally and lift the macula out of position which causes almost immediate damage.
Of the two types of this eye disease this is the most serious because the damage happens so quickly that in most cases it is irreversible and blindness occurs. The first symptoms that something is wrong is that there are wavey type lines when viewing what should be a straight line.
Seek immediate care if you notice any sudden changes in your vision.
Dry Macular Disease
Dry macular disease is just as serious as wet macular disease but it occurs in stages which may allow for some early intervention. This also affects mature adults more so than younger adults. This is a slow progressive disease.
The cells in the macula slowly begin to die as they break down the macula begins to lose its effectiveness. The first indication that something is going wrong is blurred vision in the center field of vision. Over time more light will be needed to see. A blurry spot will appear and grow larger over time.
This disease is progressive and will get worst with time. It can affect one or both eyes. In most cases both eyes are affected while with the wet macular degeneration it is usually only one eye that is affected.
Yearly Eye Exams
It is important especially as you age to get yearly eye exams so that any issues that do crop up with your vision can be addressed as soon as possible. There are treatments that can slow the disease especially with the wet macular degeneration and if the dry degeneration is caught early enough there are treatments that can slow its progress.
Unfortunately in both cases there is no cure but early detection can help to offset the inevitable for years.