Blood is an essential fluid for life in animals. Blood fights infections, heals wounds, and carries nutrients throughout our bodies. It is a self-generating component in our bodies but sometimes we need help getting it. Accidents happen 24/7 and create massive blood loss. Blood is also needed is also needed for blood transfusions during surgery or for premature babies. Donation of blood is an important because the demand for blood is never-ending. In your lifetime you or someone that you know will need blood or plasma for any array of reasons. Hospitals rely on volunteers to supplement and replenish their whole blood and plasma supplies.
The Body and Blood
Blood is circulated throughout the body by blood vessels via the pumping of the heart. The circulation of blood creates the heat for our body. Blood is made up of 3 different components red and white cells, and plasma. Hospitals are always in need of both whole blood donations and separate plasma donations. They both have a different function and always needed however donation places and hospitals tend to covet type O negative blood because it is considered the universal blood. Type O negative can be used for anyone therefore it is always in short supply. Unfortunately for them they can only receive type O blood for themselves.
Blood Donation
Whole blood donations are the most common form of donation. The process takes about an hour and can be done every 56 days with only a pint of blood being donated at a time. To donate you must be fit and healthy. You can’t have a flu, cold. or any other illness at the time of donating. Last you have to be between the ages of 16-70 years of age. Once the blood is donated it is stored in plastic bags and processed in the blood center. It can be stored up to 42 days at a time.
Plasma Donations
Plasma donations is a different form of donation extracting only that component from the blood. It is collected through a machine and separates the plasma from the other components of the blood and returns it back to the donors body. This process takes just a little over an hour to complete this includes the process and donation time. Plasma donation can be done every 2 weeks because you aren’t losing any red cells since they are being returned back into the body. The qualifications for plasma donations are that you have successfully given a whole blood donation within the last . The age requirements are 18-65 years old for men and 20-65 for women.
Plasma is a mixture of 700 proteins among other substances that support the smooth running of our bodies. It is a lifesaving resource that benefits thousands of people on a daily basis. It is the largest component of our blood systems and makes up 55 percent of total blood volume. Plasma is clear and made up mostly of water and maintains blood pressure. It also aids in the warming of our bodies. But unlike with whole blood, Type O people can only receive Type O plasma.
Donating is very important. So if you are healthy enough then it is something that is beneficial to do. Blood is always in demand and it’s an easy and safe process. You never know when you or a loved one will be in need of blood or plasma.