The DHEAS blood test is ordered in conjunction with a number of other hormone tests. The goal is to determine how well an individual’s adrenal gland happens to be functioning. It can also be used to determine if there is DHEAS being secreted from other sources within the body, such as an ovarian tumor. Adrenal cancers and tumors may also be detected based on the blood test results that are provided.
In women, it may also be ordered to determine certain causes of suspected infertility or the reasoning behind masculine development in young girls and boys. Young boys going through early puberty most commonly receive this test.
When Is the DHEAS Blood Test Ordered?
The DHEAS blood test is not a routine test that is ordered. It is only requested when a medical provider has a need to evaluate adrenal gland functionality. Children tend to receive this blood test more often than any other population demographic, but specific symptoms in adults may also result in this blood test. You may wish to speak to your medical provider about the DHEAS blood test if you experience any of these symptoms.
- A deeper voice or an enlargement of the Adam’s apple.
- Decreased breast size at any age, especially if accompanied by unexpected acne.
- Extra facial hair, unexpected muscularity, or baldness that occurs.
- Women who have either not started a menstrual period, but have signs of puberty, or have suddenly stopped having their period.
Based on the reason behind the need for the blood test, a normal or abnormal result will be logged by the lab examining the blood sample. Combined with the other tests that may have been ordered, most medical providers will follow-up with either additional tests or advice on how to manage the suspected condition.
What Do My Test Results Mean?
Most people who receive the DHEAS blood test will have their results come back as normal. This means that there is a reasonable expectation that the adrenal gland is functioning as it should. Only in rare circumstances will there be a tumor or adrenal cancer present when normal test results occur as most cancers and tumors will secret hormones.
Abnormal DHEAS blood test results may be either high or low. A high test result typically indicates that there are higher than normal hormone levels being produced for some reason. DHEAS results cannot by themselves diagnose a specific condition, which is why it is ordered in conjunction with other hormone tests. Most high test results will invariably lead to additional blood tests based on the findings of all hormone blood test results.
Low test results are typically a result of adrenal insufficiency. This can happen for a number of reasons, including the chronic use of steroids or stimulants. It may also indication dysfunction for some reason within the adrenal system, the presence of Addison disease, or low levels of pituitary functionality.
Men and newborns who are girls typically have higher than normal results. Concentrations of this hormone peak at puberty and then slowly decline with age. Talk to your doctor about your medications as certain drugs to treat diabetes and calcium channel blockers can artificially affect results. Smokers may need to quit smoking for up to 30 days before having this test ordered.
What Else Do I Need To Do?
Hormone levels can increase and decrease with regularity throughout the day. Sometimes hormones are released on an intermittent basis. Those with high stress levels may notice artificially high results, as may people who have periods of increased activity throughout the day. What makes DHEAS unique is that it is a stable concentration, making it possible to have this blood test at any time of day.
Most people who have abnormal DHEAS results are not experiencing any bothersome physical symptoms because of their condition. Certain ethnic groups may have higher levels of DHEAS naturally and must be accounted for in test results. Severity is typically based on biological individuality, so medical providers approach this issue on a case-by-case basis.
Only when there is a suspicion of DHEAS inadequacy will this blood test be ordered. If there are no symptoms, then there may be no blood test needed. Only when the symptoms suggest otherwise will the results be used to help determine a diagnosis. Keep this guide in mind if you’ve had this test ordered so that your DHEAS blood test results can be explained to your satisfaction.