If you are one of those persons who are not familiar with chiggers’ symptoms then this is the right time that you have a superior and better understanding about the mentioned topic. Chiggers can be defined as 6-legged tiny wingless organisms that usually belong to the family of mite. According to researches, most of the chiggers can be found in weeds and tall grass in the forests. If chiggers bite you, you will experience severe itching. Chiggers have two alternative names that include red mite and harvest mite.
Chiggers Causes
Most of the chiggers can also be found in outdoor areas that include woodland edges, weeds and berry patches. Chiggers usually bite humans in their warm skin, ankles and around their waist. Bites particularly occur during fall and summer months.
Chiggers Symptoms
Chiggers’ symptoms are severe itching and you will also experience red pimple just like the appearance of hives and bumps. Severe itching will occur after a certain chiggers attach on your skin but when a chigger bites a certain individual, he or she will not experience any pain.
Skin rashes will normally appear particularly to the body parts that are exposed from the heat of the sun. If you encounter this kind of scenario, you are recommended to immediately visit your doctor because he or she is the only one who has the ability to diagnose your condition. Your doctor will examine your skin rashes to determine if it is caused by chigger’s bite.
The main goal why you need to seek for immediate treatment is to stop severe itching. Your doctor will prescribe lotions, creams, corticosteroid and antihistamines will greatly help stop severe itching. There is also possible complication that might occur like a secondary infection that is caused from scratching. It is very important to seek for medical help especially when the skin rashes and warning signs get worse.
In order to prevent chigger’s bite, you must stay away from contaminated outdoor areas. You also need to make use of a bug spray into the contaminated areas with chiggers. You are also recommended to wear secure clothing like long sleeve to avoid chigger bites.
Other Symptoms of Chiggers
Chiggers’ symptoms will start when the chigger enzymes are already injected into the skin of a certain individual but the bite is not visible. Severe itching is considered as the main symptoms of chigger bite and it will last for about 2 days. Intense itching will lead to scratching that has the ability to disrupt your skin. There is also secondary infection that will occur if you did not consult your doctor immediately. If a certain chigger bites you, the best thing that you need to do is to apply lotion or cream in the infected area and visit your doctor for other diagnosis. Since chiggers can be found all around the world, it is very important that you stay away from their habitats like forests and grassy areas. In order to know additional valuable information about chigger’s symptoms, just feel free to browse the web. Rest assured that you will find a wide a variety of chiggers symptoms that you are seeking for.