Billable Medical Code for Cervical Spondylosis Without Myelopathy
Diagnosis Code for Reimbursement Claim: ICD-9-CM 721.0
Code will be replaced by October 2015 and relabeled as ICD-10-CM 721.0.
The Short Description Is: Cervical spondylosis.
Known As
Cervical spondylosis is also known as arthritis of cervical joint, arthritis, cervical/neck, arthropathy of cervical (neck) facet, arthropathy of cervical facet, arthropathy of cervical spine facet joint, cervical arthritis, cervical spondylosis, cervical spondylosis wo myelopathy, cervicothoracic spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy, cervicothoracic spondylosis wo myelopathy, occipitatlantoaxial spondylosis wo myelopathy, occipitoatlantoaxial spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy, spondylosis cervical (neck) joint without myelopathy, spondylosis cervical joint without myelopathy, spondylosis cervical joint WO myelopathy, spondylosis of cervical (neck) joint, and spondylosis of cervical joint. This applies to cervical or cervicodorsal: arthritis, osteoarthritis, and spondylarthritis.
Cervical Spondylosis Definition and Symptoms
Cervical spondylosis is a general term for the wear and tear in the spinal disks that comes with age. As the disks dehydrate they shrink and cause other signs of osteoarthritis. This is a very common condition and worsens with age. Symptoms include lack of coordination, loss of bladder and/or bowel control, and tingling or numbness in the arms, hands, legs or feet.