Squash is a racket sport that is fast paced and exhilarating. The benefits that squash offers to your health is increased sprint speed and flexibility, better concentration and hand eye coordination, and it burns a great deal of calories! Because squash is played in closed court, you are constantly moving. Squash is a very fun and social game that is great for all over fitness! Let’s look at the break down of calorie burning power squash offers.
Calories Burned Playing Squash By Body Weight And Time
All calories are based on a mid intensity Workout
Body Weight = 120 Pounds
5 Minutes – 57 Calories
10 Minutes – 115 Calories
20 Minutes – 230 Calories
30 Minutes – 344 Calories
60 Minutes – 689 Calories
Body Weight = 150 Pounds
5 Minutes – 68 Calories
10 Minutes – 136 Calories
20 Minutes – 271 Calories
30 Minutes – 406 Calories
60 Minutes – 813 Calories
Body Weight = 200 Pounds
5 Minutes – 85 Calories
10 Minutes – 170 Calories
20 Minutes – 340 Calories
30 Minutes – 510 Calories
60 Minutes – 1,020 Calories
Body Weight = 250 Pounds
5 Minutes – 102 Calories
10 Minutes – 204 Calories
20 Minutes – 409 Calories
30 Minutes – 614 Calories
60 Minutes – 1,227 Calories
Spectacular Squash Training Work Outs
Squash Conditioning
Squash is a high aerobic activity, so a certain level of endurance and strength is needed to really play well, this video gives you some great ideas for exercises you can do to improve your game.
Squash Match Work Out
If you’ve ever wondered how squash is played, or how people train for squash, than this video is perfect for you. Showing you a full squash training workout that will kick your butt into gear.