Caffeine is a drug, and like most other drugs, the human body can become dependent on it when exposed to it on a daily basis. The problem of caffeine addiction is so bad that it is now being classified as a specific disorder. It is only a number of hours after you stop ingesting caffeine that you will notice the symptoms associated with withdrawal.
People that decide to quit caffeine after spending years using it often have withdrawal symptoms, which are on par with the withdrawal symptoms of class A drugs.
Some of the Early Symptoms of Caffeine Withdrawal
One of the very first symptoms that you will notice when you go a few hours without drinking caffeinated drinks is a headache. This headache typically begins in the area behind the eyes, and then it can spread up to the forehead.
Drowsiness is another major symptom that occurs with caffeine withdrawal, and it can be so severe in some people that it can have a major impact on their everyday life. Lethargy is coupled with drowsiness, and your energy and enthusiasm levels will fall through the floor.
Daytime drowsiness can also lead to nighttime insomnia, another aspect of caffeine withdrawal that can cause lethargy and irritability.
In addition to drowsiness and lethargy, there is also the problem of irritability, something that cartoonists have not been backward in depicting in their cartoons when their characters have not had their morning cup of Joe.
More Serious Symptoms
A lot of people do not realize, but in actual fact, caffeine has laxative qualities, therefore, cutting caffeine out of your diet is one way to give yourself a bout of constipation. In order to alleviate the problem of constipation, it is important that you consume lots of water in the days immediately after quitting caffeine.
One of the later symptoms of caffeine withdrawal, and one that can be one of the more serious, is depression. This is something that could cause you problems, especially if you are already suffering from the illness.
If you are into exercise, and you have used caffeine prior to exercising then you may notice that you are going to be suffering from stiffness or pain in your muscles.
Although it is rare, some people that are used to drinking lots of caffeine often get symptoms that are flu-like, and this includes blocked sinuses, a runny nose and in some severe cases, vomiting.