The tailbone is a group of bone located at the lower back. Also known as the coccyx, it can be broken or bruised. There are a number of causes for bruised or broken tailbone. Bruised tailbone may cause mild to severe pain.
There are many symptoms to bruised tailbone and the most common is pain in the lower back or in the coccyx area when sitting or standing. People with bruised tailbone may also experience pain in the lower back after a bowel movement. Deep aches in the lower back, pains in the leg, pain during sexual intercourse, and sensitivity to pressure in your tailbone are additional symptoms of the condition.
Primary bruised tailbone symptoms may also lead to secondary symptoms such as persistent pain in the lower back, sore back from sitting in an awkward position, sore feet from standing for a longer period of time, and depression. If the injury is traumatic, the bruise can be visible in the tailbone area.
Bruised Tailbone Causes
The primary cause of the condition is falling onto the tailbone area. Other causes include childbirth in women. The tailbone is injured due to too much pressure while giving birth to a child. Repetitive strain is also considered as bruised tailbone symptom. Strain that is repeated frequently may injure the tailbone. Also, surgery can also cause bruised tailbone. In some cases, the cause bruised tailbone in men and women are unknown. Tailbone injury occurs 5 times in women than men, as the tailbone of women are more exposed than the mail tailbone.
If you think that you have signs or symptoms of bruised tailbone, or experiencing unexplained discomfort in the coccyx area, seek for medical help. Your doctor will tell you if the pain is caused by other serious problems, or if the injury is traumatic.
Tailbone injuries rarely require emergency visits to hospitals. But, you may visit your doctor or the nearest hospital if you are concerned on your symptoms. Upon receiving treatment, bruised tailbone may date several days to a few weeks to heal. Also, sitting in a soft very soft cushion may improve the healing process. The most common remedy for bruised tailbone is placing an ice pack on the coccyx area for 20-30 minutes every 3-5 hours. This can take away the pain caused by the injury.
Normally, doctors recommend patients to rest, and keep activities low specifically around the coccyx area. If you think you have bruised tailbone symptoms, you have to keep activities at low level in order to prevent further injury in the spinal column, otherwise surgical procedure may be necessary. Also, eating foods high in fiber and drinking lots of water is recommended by doctors to soften the stool and to make bowel movements easier.
Like the most common injuries, bruised or fractured tailbone can be prevented. When engaged in sport, it is important to wear the appropriate protective gear or equipment. The right padding can greatly reduce the risks of fractured or bruised tailbone when engaged in sporting activities.