It is very easy to spot extrovert people and it is also fairly easy to identify the introverts or shy guys. With extroverts or outgoing people, you would easily get to know if they like you, dislike you or have no extreme emotions for you. It is the shy guys that are harder to read. While extroverts are also hard to read since they may conceal their true emotions and be outgoing in connived ways, with shy guys the problem is of a different nature. You may not be able to tell if he is into you or not into you. More importantly, the guy is unlikely to open up and that can be the endgame.
Before delving into the body language signs that prove that a shy guy likes you, there are some don’ts that you must learn. Never ask the friends of a shy guy to know if he likes you. Don’t guess their actions or reactions. Make informed judgments. If a shy guy is not opening up to you, then it is likely that he is not opening up to anyone other than his best friend. And it is unlikely that you are very close to a shy guy’s best friend. You may not even know who he or she is.
Here are the body language signs a shy guy likes you.
1. If a shy guy fidgets when he is around you, becomes conscious of his appearance, tugs at his clothes, checks out his hair and his face, constantly remains nervous or becomes flustered when you are talking to him, then there is a good chance that he likes you.
2. If a shy guy is sweating when he is around you, biting his lips or grinding his teeth, thinking very hard before talking and also being visibly a little moved or shaken, then he likes you.
3. A shy guy will always tend to your needs, even without your acknowledgement. He would be around you, even if he is not physically close to you. He would make efforts to know where you are, he would try to be with you when you need him and when you don’t need him, he will try to blend in the crowd that is around you or with you and he will cherish your presence around him. He may not take any step forward but he will be there. Such presence and body language are always signs that a shy guy is into you.