Any irregularities on or around the genital area can cause panic. There are any reasons the skin around the genitals can become inflamed or irritated. Herpes and balanitis are two very different medical conditions, however they both affect the male genitals. Knowing the difference between the two is very important.
Facts About Balanitis
1. Basics
Balanitis is when the glans penis, which is the head or foreskin, becomes inflamed. The inflammation can be caused by many different medical conditions including sexually transmitted diseases. It is a very common condition and affects one in twenty males.
2. Symptoms
Balanitis can cause many painful and uncomfortable symptoms. The swelling can put pressure on the urethra which may lead to painful urination. The foreskin may also tighten, causing tenderness. Penile discharge, pain in the area, and itchiness are all common signs of balanitis.
3. Causes
The inflammation can have many different causes. Some of the most common reasons a man can develop balanitis are sexually transmitted diseases, not rinsing soap completely off, using a soap that causes your skin to dry out, diabetes, and may also be a side effect from some certain drugs.
4. Treatment
Treatment of balanitis is often just a medicated anti itch cream that helps to stop the inflammation and itching. If an infection has developed then an antibiotic will be prescribed. Balanitis usually clears up within a week.
Information About Herpes
1. What It Is
Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that is highly contagious. It causes blisters or sores to form either on the genitals or the mouth. Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus. It causes many painful symptoms and is not curable.
2. Symptoms
The symptoms of herpes depends on where is infected. The mouth (oral) and genitals are the two places affected. In genital herpes blisters, burning with urination, itching, and swelling are common. With oral herpes cold sores develop on the lips or just around the mouth, they can also show up inside of the mouth. The sores will often clear up in a couple of weeks and then reappear at a later time.
3. Treatment
Treatment options are available for people suffering from herpes. Some medications help to rapidly heal the sores and also shorten outbreak times. Over the counter pain relief can be taken in order to help manage pain and swelling. Warm baths can also help to relieve pain. Keeping the sores and area infected dry and clean during a outbreak is very important.
Differences Between Balanitis and Herpes
1. Severity
Balanitis, while is bothersome, is not typically a severe condition and clears up with little to no treatment. Herpes is a much more severe problem. The sores that develop are contagious, cause immune problems, and are incurable.
2. Symptom
Balnitis is often a symptom of herpes. This is because of the irritation that can occur with a herpes infection. However, herpes is not always the cause of balanitis.
3. Contagious
Herpes is a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease that can be spread very easily. Balanitis, depending on the cause of course, is not in itself contagious.
4. Cause
The cause of herpes is the herpes simplex virus, which is transmitted sexually. Balnitis is caused by irritants on the head of the penis or on the foreskin. This irritation can occur because from many different factors.