It is not secret that stress and tension in your life can cause your blood pressure to rise. High blood pressure is an extremely common health condition that affects millions of people. Anxiety is a cause of high blood pressure, and having an anxiety disorder can up this risk even higher. It is important to know the differences and relations that these two conditions have to each other.
All About Anxiety
1. Basics
Anxiety is a normal human emotions that everyone feels at some point or another in their life. There are anxiety disorders however, that are very different and are serious mental illnesses. They cause a person to feel an overwhelming and uncontrollable feeling of fear. There are many different types and treatment methods for these disorders.
2. Types
Panic Disorder: This disorder is defined as having feelings of extreme terror that come on unexpectedly and suddenly.
Phobias: Phobias are having an extreme and irrational fear of a specific object or situation. Some common examples include spiders, heights, and closed spaces. There is an infinite amount of phobias out there.
General Anxiety Disorder: This disorder is when a person feels an excess amount of tension and worry of things that would not normally provoke anxiety in a person.
3. Symptoms
Symptoms of an anxiety disorder depend largely on the type of disorder you are dealing with. Some of the common symptoms that are generally shared across the board are intense feelings of fear or panic, cold and sweaty hands, dry mouth, muscle tension, heart palpitation, shortness of breath, and problems with sleeping.
4. Causes
The exact cause of anxiety disorders is still unknown but some things are though to increase your risk of developing an anxiety disorder. A problem with brain functions and chemical imbalances. Anxiety disorders are also thought to run in families.
5. Treatment
Anxiety disorders are treated in a number of different ways. Medication is a common treatment. These drugs help to reduce anxiety, but often come with negative side effects. Therapy is also widely used in order to help understand how to get through an anxiety attack as well as discover the root cause of your anxiety problems.
High Blood Pressure Facts
1. Overview
High blood pressure, also referred to as hypertension, is an overwhelming common condition that causes the force of the flow of your blood in your artery walls to be so strong that it could cause health damages. Your blood pressured is measured by determining how much blood your heart pumps and the resistance of the blood flow in your arteries. Hypertension often doesn’t show any symptoms early on and develops over many years.
2. Symptoms
One thing that makes high blood pressure dangerous is the fact that is generally shows no symptoms. This is also true if your blood pressure reaches very high, and dangerous levels which could result in a heart attack. Some signs that may be experienced if a persons blood pressure is dangerously high is frequent nosebleeds and dizzy spells.
Simple lifestyle changes can make drastic improvements in a person’s blood pressure. Removing stresses in your life and remaining active are highly effective in lowering blood pressure. Blood pressure medications are also very commonly prescribed to help regulate blood pressure
Differences Between Anxiety and High Blood Pressure
1. Root
Anxiety disorders and high blood pressure are two very different health conditions. High blood pressure involves your heart and arteries and the flow of your blood. Anxiety disorders are mental illnesses that affect your mind.
2. Symptoms
The symptoms of both of these disorders are also very different. Anxiety disorders cause an intense feeling of fear, heart palpitations, and clammy hands and feet are common symptoms. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, typically causes no symptoms at all.
3. Hand In Hand
One important thing to understand about anxiety and high blood pressure is the link that they have to each other. Anxiety can cause high blood pressure. This is because of the stress and tension that anxiety disorders cause on the body, which raises blood pressure.