Coping with a cheating spouse is one of the hardest things any man or woman would have to do in life. There are very few feelings that are as horrible as feeling cheated. Bereavement and ill health are two instances or realities of life that most people don’t want to deal and certainly wish that they weren’t existent. But even with ill health and bereavement, one gets the courage or desire to deal with the two. With infidelity, adultery or cheating, the situation is very different.
Learning to Cope
Before coping with a cheating spouse, one has to decide if coping should be an option. In many cases, coping is not even an option. It is natural for people to jump to conclusions or to make up their minds but there are people who after having been cheated don’t know for certain what their steps would be. If there are kids, then deciding to salvage the relationship is easy but it doesn’t make coping any easier.
How does one decide if one should try coping with a cheating spouse? There is no straight answer. It depends on how much one still loves the other spouse, if one is forgiving enough and if there is a blinking bright light at the end of the tunnel at some distance. However, there is an easier way to figure out a solution to cope with a cheating spouse.
Understanding Infidelity
Infidelity is not exactly synonymous with cheating. A cheating spouse may have cheated only once, which could be due to an error in judgment, at the spur of a particular moment or due to some reason that can be related to. If such is the situation, then coping should be relatively easy. The spouse who has been cheated can try to forgive the cheating spouse completely. Forgiving is the first step to forgetting or at least the stepping stone to coping. If the thought of having been cheated clouds the mind and heart at all times then coping is not just difficult but almost impossible.
Infidelity should be looked at or dealt with in a much stronger way. Infidelity is actually repetitive cheating. A spouse, who has cheated on numerous occasions or at least a few times, either with the same person or more than one person, is indulging in adultery and it is not due to some mistake or some circumstance. Coping with such a cheating spouse is almost impossible. Ideally, one should dissolve such a marriage.