The cardiovascular system is an important component of the circulatory system within the human body. It typically involves the component of the heart. Although technology today allows an artificial heart to be installed and still be able to provide life, nothing beats the efficiency of the natural human heart. It is the most used muscle in the body, beats numerous times every minute, yet only weighs about 11 ounces or the average person here are some more interesting facts that you might want to know about.
1. It’s a Mighty Machine
If you were to turn on a kitchen faucet, then it would have to be turned all the way on full or at least 45 years in order for it to produce the same amount of fluids that are pumped through the heart in an average lifetime.
2. That’s Some Mileage
If you were to convert the energy that the heart produces into fuel that could drive a vehicle, that vehicle would be able to drive 20 miles every day. Over the course of the average human lifespan, that’s enough energy transport vehicle to the moon and back if you could drive there.
3. Pick Up the Rhythm
The average pulse rate for an adult human is 72 bpm. That means the average human heart will be 100,000 times per day. If you go out to a year, the heart beats 3.6 million times. In doing so, it is able to pump 2,000 gallons blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels every day without fail.
4. It’s Got Soul
Have you ever been told that you got a strong heart? Or that the heart has caused someone to follow a path that they normally wouldn’t have followed? These beliefs have their foundation in ancient Egypt because it was believed by that culture that the heart, and the other major organs of the human body, had a will of their own. It was even believed that the heart was able to move around inside of the body at will.
5. Don’t Be Squeamish
The cardiovascular system has about 5 quarts of blood circulating throughout the average adult human body at any given time. Children have much less blood than adults. For a three-year-old, there are about 2 pints of blood instead. The capillaries, veins, and arteries complete the cardiovascular system and some of the capillaries are so small that blood cells have to travel through them one at a time.
6. That’s a Beat
The sound of a heartbeat is not actually the sound of the muscle moving back and forth. If the sound of the heart valves closing as blood is pushed through the chambers of the heart.
7. Be Optimistic
An interesting feature of the cardiovascular system is that having an optimistic attitude can actually lead to a healthier system. People who tend to have a more optimistic attitude about life actually suffer fewer strokes and have fewer heart attacks. They also have a 55% less chance of having a cardiovascular disease incident at some point within their lifespan.