Playing golf is a fun and social time but what about exercise? Golf has many calorie burning opportunities, some of these become lost however. The use of golf carts instead of walking from hole to hole greatly decreases the calorie burning power a round of golf has, as well as using a caddy as opposed to carrying your own clubs. Add some beer in there and you are likely to have consumed more calories than you even started off with! However, the calorie burning power is there…if you want it. Below we will break down the calories burned playing golf if you are carrying your own clubs and walking to each hole.
Calories Burned Playing Golf By Body Weight And Time
All calculations are based on walking to each hole and carrying your own golf clubs.
Body Weight = 120 Pounds
5 Minutes – 26 Calories
10 Minutes – 51 Calories
20 Minutes – 102 Calories
30 Minutes – 153 Calories
60 Minutes – 306 Calories
Body Weight = 150 Pounds
5 Minutes – 28 Calories
10 Minutes – 55 Calories
20 Minutes – 110 Calories
30 Minutes – 160 Calories
60 Minutes – 315 Calories
Body Weight = 200 Pounds
5 Minutes – 32 Calories
10 Minutes – 60 Calories
20 Minutes – 120 Calories
30 Minutes – 175 Calories
60 Minutes – 345 Calories
Body Weight = 250 Pounds
5 Minutes – 40 Calories
10 Minutes – 80 Calories
20 Minutes – 160 Calories
30 Minutes – 220 Calories
60 Minutes – 450 Calories
Golfing Training and Exercise Examples
Increased Power And Hip Speed
This video gives you wonderful workout moves you can do in order to improve your strength and especially your golf game.
Professional Golf Form And Techniques
Golf Pro, Joey D Diovisalvi, shows you proper form and techniques in order to greatly improve your swing and ultimately your golfing expertise.