One of the dreaded conditions that many men are suffering from is prostatitis. This is the condition wherein bacteria from various parts of your body would infect your prostate which inflames the prostate gland. Once the gland is infected, this will swell overtime and would restrict the flow of urine that would end up causing urine retention. Though there are various available treatments in the market, there are still people who tend to stick with possible home remedies for prostatitis they can try for relieving the pain they would feel.
Home Remedies
If you are one of those men who are looking for home remedies for prostatitis, then you should start learning some of the remedies that can help in relieving the pain and reducing the inflammation. So, for these men, check out the following home remedies for prostatitis:
1. Taking 3 tsp of herbs made up of hydrangea root, sea holly and gravel root thrice daily is known to offer relief just like want saw palmetto can provide. These are known to help in alleviating symptoms felt when prostatitis is occurring. Another herb that you can try is taking pygeum extract. Instead of taking OTC antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs, you can take herbs like garlic, Echinacea, Siberian ginseng, pau d’arco and golden seal.
2. Reduce the inflammation by eating the right kinds of food. For reducing the frequency of your urination, you can eat tomatoes containing bioflavovoid lycopene. When preparing foods for snacks, it is beneficial that men will eat pumpkin and watermelon seeds as these are found to be helpful in cleansing your system and therefore helping your prostate health.
3. Take a lot of rest and try preventing stress. When you are stressed, the symptoms of the condition may worsen making it necessary for you to take some rest and keep yourself relaxed for a long time. This is sure to help in eliminating any stressful circumstances from affecting the condition of your prostatitis.
4. To reduce the discomfort, you can try soaking in warm sitz bath as it is found to help in relieving the pain that you would feel.
These are just some of the things that you can do to avoid making your condition worst. Just make sure that when taking these home remedies for prostatitis, you will avoid smoking and drinking as these may contrast the effects of what you are doing. You should also stop eating spicy food and should stop drinking caffeinated drinks. These are sure to be the solutions on how you can prevent the symptoms from getting worst, be able to reduce the pain and just make all symptoms you feel bearable.
When these methods are done, you are assured that, somehow, any of the pain that you feel about the condition will be relieved. Furthermore, these methods can even spare you from taking any costly OTC medications and just relieve the pain naturally and without any hassle. Try any of the methods given and take advantage of the fact that you have more options in relieving the condition you have.