It is given that about half of people suffering from psoriasis have the problem on their scalp. This only means that the skin cells on the scalp is growing too fast and is the reason why there are powdery scales or called as plaques found on your scalp. These plaques can be surrounded by redness and can be accompanied by sever itching.
Whenever people find out that they have this problem, they always think about getting the same medication that any patient with psoriasis would use. But these people should know that the treatment for this particular type of psoriasis would also vary in its range of severity. Furthermore, the treatment would also differ from one person to another.
But if you have tried different over-the –counter treatments yet are not getting the results that you want, then it is best that you start learning home remedy for scalp psoriasis. This will allow you to get back the confidence that you once lost because of the embarrassment of flakes falling everywhere. If you are interested with trying any home remedy for scalp psoriasis, the following are some of the remedies you can try:
Vinegar treatment
Among different home remedies for any kind of psoriasis, vinegar has been found to be an effective solution for healing the inflammation and disinfecting the affected areas. What you should do with this treatment is taking about ½ cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with ½ cup of warm water. Apply the mixture on your scalp with the use of a Q-tip or cotton ball. Let it sit for about 20 minutes and rinse it thoroughly. Just make sure that when you will not have any plans to go out since it may leave the strong scent even after you washed it.
Oil Treatment
Another great treatment that you can try is this one. 2 of the most popular options that people would want to use are olive oil and coconut oil. When trying the remedy, it is best that you will warm up the oil first. Once you get the temperature that you can withstand, apply a thin amount of it on the affected area, leave it there for 20 minutes and rinse it afterwards. This will help in moisturizing your scalp and prevent the flakes from falling off.
Using Dead Sea Salt
The use of Dead Sea salt has been found to be very effective in treating any kind of skin problems, making it a great home remedy for scalp psoriasis. For scalp psoriasis, you can make the treatment just like what you would do with the oil treatment. Another is pouring the salt onto your warm bathtub where you would soak in after. It is a good option especially when you want to target other areas with psoriasis.
To ensure that everything will go well with the home remedy for scalp psoriasis, it is best that you will associate a healthy lifestyle change. You can do this by increasing the amount of water-based vegetables and fruits that would help in keeping your skin as hydrated as possible. Try any of the treatments and see the difference with your condition.