In certain instances, there have been unwanted visitors that may be seen in the body. Most of them are providing great discomfort, pain, itch or burning sensation that make a person feel hurt or embarrassed. However, you should not feel bad about it since there are various possible treatments for them such as with plantar warts.
What Are Plantar Warts?
Plantar warts refer to the warts that can be found on the foot’s sole. Unlike callus or corn, it typically comes with tiny black dots causing the skin to bleed. The main cause of a plantar wart is the Human Papilloma Virus, a virus that makes the skin react thoroughly.
A plantar war provides an uncomfortable feeling when walking or standing on it. For many patients, they successfully get rid of it with the use of home remedies for plantar warts. There are several options to choose from and all you need is to know and understand each of them carefully.
1. Salicylic Acid
This is available in various brands including generic brands. It has been a naturally occurring acid that was originally extracted from the willow bark. Most researches showed that salicylic acid has been more effective compared to placebo when it comes to plantar wart treatment. It is actually regarded as a highly effective plantar wart treatment in terms of modern medicine.
2. Duct Tape
One of the common home remedies for plantar warts is the duct tape. There were small clinical tests conducted in children and they found out that it is more effective compared to placebo. There were also studies conducted to adults which also revealed the same results. You may use any duct tape color for covering the plantar warts for about six days. The seventh day is allotted for soaking your wart in warm water for 20 minutes. Eliminate the dead skin with the use of emery board, pumice stone and loofah sponge. Such cycle should be repeated until plantar wart has been completely removed.
3. Wart Freezing
War freezing is another home remedy used to get rid of plantar warts. However, this is not a very effective plantar war treatment unlike salicylic acid. The truth is that it provides more possibilities of having adverse side effects like pain and scarring of the foot. Actual treatment can numb the affected area but this process can also uncomfortable. On the other hand, there are also over-the-counter war freezing kits available when you need them.
4. Doing Nothing
Other warts simply go away depending on how you body or skin reacts to them. Make yourself comfortable with the use of moleskin or a donut-shaped pad around your wart to get the area cushioned. However, you should be very careful as well. The response of the body to the wart is not easy to predict. It may take years or months before it goes away.
When these home remedies for plantar warts failed to give the comfort and goal desired, then it may be the right time to consult a doctor. Make sure that you know how to use each of these home remedies to avoid adverse side effects.