Billable Medical Code for Personal History of Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), and Cerebral Infarction Without Residual Deficits
Diagnosis Code for Reimbursement Claim: ICD-9-CM V12.54
Code will be replaced by October 2015 and relabeled as ICD-10-CM V12.54.
The Short Description Is: Hx TIA/stroke w/o resid.
Known As
History of CVA is also known as has had parietal stroke, history of – cerebrovascular accident, history of – transient ischemic attack, history of cardioembolic stroke, history of cerebellar stroke, history of cerebrovascular accident without residual deficits, history of embolic stroke without deficits, history of embolic stroke without lasting effects, history of embolic TIA,
history of ischemic (interrupted blood flow) stroke, history of ischemic stroke without residual deficits, history of ischemic transient ischemic attack, history of lacunar cerebrovascular accident, history of lacunar stroke, history of nonatherosclerotic stroke without residual deficits, history of parietal cerebrovascular accident, history of stroke, history of stroke of the cerebellum (part of the brain), history of stroke without residual, history of thrombotic stroke without lasting effects, history of thrombotic stroke without residual deficits (disorder), history of transient ischemic attack (tia), history of transient ischemic attack (TIA) due to embolism, history of traumatic cerebrovascular accident without residual deficits, history of traumatic stroke, HX of cardioembolic stroke, Hx of cerebellar stroke, HX of embolic stroke wo residual deficits, Hx of embolic TIA, Hx of ischemic stroke wo residual deficits, Hx of ischemic TIA, HX of lacunar stroke, Hx of nonatherosclerotic stroke wo residual deficits, HX of stroke, HX of stroke WO residual, HX of stroke wo residual deficits, HX of stroke parietal, HX of thrombotic stroke wo residual deficits, HX of transient ischemia attack, HX of transient ischemic attack (TIA), and Hx of traumatic stroke wo residual deficits. This excludes history of traumatic brain injury (V15.52) and late effects of cerebrovascular disease (438.0-438.9). This applies to prolonged reversible ischemic neurological deficit (PRIND), reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (RIND), and stroke NOS without residual deficits.
History of CVA Definition and Symptoms
History of CVA means a person with a history of previous stokes or stoke related problems.