A lot of women suffer from menstrual cramps and anxiety during their monthly period. Never allow yourself to suffer from this pain and inconveniences. Life is so short to waste time on dealing with bad moments. It doesn’t matter if it is only once a month. You must enjoy your day, so fight menstrual cramps back with yoga exercise.
Why and How Yoga Helps
Yoga is a natural method to ease menstrual cramps and cope with mood swings. This also serves as an ideal exercise for easing stress. It will assist to get rid of mood swings. If you lie down on a rug and start to center yourself, you will have a calming and soothing effect. By taking a few minutes to contemplate and align your mind and body, you can release your stress. Through accepting your feelings and emotions, you could move past them.
A lot of women go into a kind of fetal position if they are cramping. This is precisely the contradicting of what you must do. Going into this kind of position during menstrual cramps leaves the muscles of your abdomen tight. This can really make the cramps worse. It must be remembered that any inversion positions must be avoided. This kind of pose will reduce larger amount of energy. This force or energy must be directed towards cleansing your reproductive system.
There are other ways to gain benefit the lymphatic system the manner inversion poses does. Like for example, the downward dog style. Although this kind of pose is technically regarded to be an inversion, it is not hard and strenuous. Anytime the head is lower than your legs and pelvis, you are comforting your lymphatic system.
Suggested Yoga Poses
Some yoga poses that are suggested especially during your menstrual cramps are Forward Bend Series including full forward bend pose or paschimottanasana, head to knee pose or Janu Sirsasana, triang mukhakapada, three parts forward bend pose or paschimottanasana, modified forwards bends in bench with the fists presses into lower stomach. Cat pose or bidalasana and easy pose or Sukhasana are also best in alleviating menstrual cramps.
Below are yoga poses that helps you calm. This is best for pelvic and lower abdominal compression acids cramps as well as heavy bleeding.
Supported Standing Yoga poses such as revolved triangle pose or parivrtta trikonasana, revolved half moon pose or parivrtta ardha chandrasana, when it is done with support system that can be wall or chair.
By combining meditation and yoga poses, you can fight the adverse effects of menstrual cramps. While menstruation is a natural process of cleaning your body and an essential part of women’s life, you can utilize yoga to have a simpler and relaxed period.
Yoga exercise is indeed the best for people affected by PMS or going in monthly period. The breathing and posture exercises really can assists them in relaxing body and minds. This also extends the muscle tissues that is cramped and boost the mood as well. Once combined with proper diet, yoga can help you achieve a pain free menstrual period.