The torn calf muscle is considered as a severe strain form. In this case, the fibers in the muscles are pulled very tightly that they get separated. This is mainly because of the abrupt lower leg contraction. But the tears brought by this are not that severe and are only partial. With no regard to the various degrees of severity, several patients portray common symptoms and signs of the injury.
Torn Calf Muscle Symptoms
- Pain – whenever a person is experiencing a torn calf muscle, they suffer from unexpected and sudden pains. The pain affects several parts of the body and the pain that you are going to feel is dependent upon the tear extremity. It can be at the back of the knee or nearby the ankle.
- Swelling – the pain of the tear is always together with its swelling. By the time that your muscle will be torn, the blood flows into the injury area and thus, making it inflamed.
- Bruising – it is not anymore rare to observe bruises in the area of the muscle torn. This is because the blood which flowed to the affected areas is trapped and therefore, appeared to be bluish up to purplish.
- Weakness – the muscle tear in the legs affect the performance and strength of those lower leg muscle. Some muscles at times also refuse to take a move and results in muscle failure. This affects your capacity of walking, contracting your muscles and pointing the toes.
- Stiffness – the stiffness is also experienced right after the muscle injury. This is an outcome of the tightness in the damaged muscles. The stiffness will be dissipated as time passes by.
The very first torn calf muscle symptom is the sudden pain outbreak. Such pain is often felt at the lower part of the leg and the heel or knee pain depends upon the location of the muscle tear. The inflammation phenomenon is unavoidable. It takes place right after the act of muscle tearing. The blood flows immediately to the injured part and makes the muscle area swollen. The bruising is also another condition to occur. The injury to the muscles makes it hard for you to make necessary leg movements and these torn calf muscles stiffen up. In encountering serious conditions, an individual can feel a snapping sound accompanied by a popping sensation.
The severity of the torn calf muscle is usually classified as minor, moderate or severe cases. For the cases of minor muscle tear, the individual will experience mild aches and the injured part tends to be slightly tender and taut. In this case, the person will still be able to run, walk or even to perform exercising activities. The torn calf muscle symptoms in minor cases only last for couple of days. On the other hand, the moderate degree of the muscle tear weakens the affected area and is more intense than the former one. The soreness will take about two to three weeks before disappearing. Lastly, the severe torn calf muscle is a situation where the fibers of the muscles are completely ruptured and whenever you are going to touch the injured calf, the muscle fibers will be felt to be bunched up on a single spot. The painful bruising and swelling can also make the affected part very tender as you get contact with it. This case needs the maximum time for healing to be able to recover from the total rupture that had happened.