Burping is a natural reaction in the human body. It is actually a quite healthy phenomenon that allows any excess air or gas in your digestive tracts to be released through the mouth. Burping is a healthy sign which indicates that there isn’t any residual gas or air in the digestive tracts, intestines or colon. However, excessive burping is not a healthy sign. It is indicative of something wrong inside.
Causes of Excessive Burping
Excessive burping can be associated with bloating, heartburn, irritation and pain. Some people suffer from very excessive burping in which case they may experience a reduced appetite, weak metabolism and random weight loss without any apparent rhyme or reason.
Excessive burping is usually caused after you have had a meal or had a drink. Excessive burping is not common when your stomach is empty but it is not rare either. One may nauseate during excessive burping. Abdominal pain is less common but does occur.
Also known as belching, excessive burping is primarily caused when you have swallowed some air and that is sent out back through the mouth. Gallstones can cause excessive burping and so can any other problem or condition of the gallbladder. GERD or gastro esophageal reflux can cause excessive burping but in such cases one may experience mild or severe heartburn during the process. Usually, the stomach turns overly acidic after eating or drinking and that causes the condition in such cases.
Ulcers, infections, indigestions and esophageal cancer can also cause excessive burping. There are some rare causes of excessive burping as well, such as ruptured spleen. The spleen is located beneath the left rib cage and it is near the stomach. When the spleen which is delicate ruptures, the white blood cells are unable to fight the bacteria and thus the body becomes prone to infections. Stress and anxiety can also cause or contribute to the worsening of excessive burping. Some people have irritable bowel syndrome or constipation and in such people, the food doesn’t manage to move through the digestive systems in a smooth manner. Such blockages can cause excessive burping after consumption of a meal or drink. If food or any other materials remain undigested and get accumulated in any part of the digestive tract, then too one would experience excessive burping.
Normal excessive burping doesn’t indicate any severe condition but if it occurs again and again then one should consult a doctor.