Neupogen, also known as filgrastim, is used to help fight infections, enable the human body to produce white blood cells and stimulates the blood system. The use of this drug helps in the reduction of infections to patients with tumors and who are receiving a strong chemotherapy.
This medicine helps the human body to produce white blood cells which are important in order for the body to fight against infections. It is being administered to patients through injections. The medicine is directly injected into the veins for faster result. This have been used my medical practitioners to reduce the chances and risk of infection to people with Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
Infections can happen anytime that an individual’s Neutrophil count is low. Those persons who have sickle cell disorder are not allowed to take this kind of medicine for it will worsen the body condition. This drug have been a life extender to some cancer survivors, however the use of it does not guarantee success from chemotherapy.
Neulasta Severe Side Effects
- Difficulty in Breathing – This happens when allergies is being brought by the intake of medicine. This might be due to inflammation and Swelling of the tissue linings.
- Swelling Around the Mouth or Eyes – Swelling happens when there is a serious health problem that the body undergoes. In most cases it happened when some parts of the body begin to malfunction, specifically in the bloodstream that includes the pathways in order to have a normal circulation all over the body.
- Fast Pulse –Â This happens when the body is suffering from stress and anxiety that triggers it him to feel nervous.
- Swelling, redness and lump – On the area where the injection was administered. If the body is allergic to the drug being given it is common that the area will be swollen, and lump.
- Enlargement of Spleen – That may result to dying. This is an abnormal condition in the abdominal part which might have lead to death. This is associated with severe pain on the upper left abdomen of an individual.
- Signs of Infection – Such as fever, chills and sore throat. This condition happens when the Neutropil count is low.
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome – It is a severe lung condition that requires immediate treatment, this condition happens when fluid builds up in the lungs. This is a killer symptom which only few survived according to the data being collected all over the globe.
Other Side Effects
- Nose bleeding.
- Headache.
- Rashes.
- Itching.
- Purple markings under the skin or unusual bruises.
- Wheezing.
- Excessive Sweating.
Things to Remember
- Consult a doctor before taking the medicine.
- Give the doctor the patients health background and family history.
- Follow prescriptions given by the physician carefully.
- Discontinue use of medicine if allergies happen, consult your doctor.
- This medicine is not advice for pregnant and lactating mothers.
- Do not inject the medicine all by yourself without any advice coming from the doctor.
- A blood test is required oftentimes to ensure that the drug is taking effect to the medication process.
- Store it to a refrigerator and do not shake it for you can destroy the medicine itself.
- Keep the medicine out of reach of children.