Being bitten by several mosquitoes make you suffer from swelling, uncontrollable itching and redness. Thus, making you feel uncomfortable and distracted from the activity that you are performing.
Numerous people take action about this situation by purchasing and using insect repellents at home. But remember that these insect repellents contain a certain toxic pesticide which is harmful for the human health. This toxic pesticide is also known as deet.
Headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, memory loss, tremors and shortness of breathing and weakness are the common outcomes of too much exposure to deet.
Why would you let your health be at risk if there are more natural ingredients and remedies that you can have in repelling mosquitoes?
The following are some tips to repel mosquitoes to be able to enjoy and have fun all through the days.
The Best Home Remedies for Mosquito Repellent
- Citronella candles which are homemade. One of the most efficient natural home remedy for repelling mosquitoes globally is the citronella essential oil. Citronella candles are made in order to make such oil useful and advantageous for everyone. These candles are natural, have a wonderful aroma and easy-to-make for repelling mosquitoes. Position some of these candles into places that serve as entrance and meeting place of those unfavorable mosquitoes.
- Few drops of lavender will also be of great help. Many people love lavender, but this is not the same for the mosquitoes. They hate it. They really hate lavender. To avoid mosquitoes from entering your home, place some ribbons to the windows. In each ribbon should be some droplets of lavender. This will make the mosquitoes fly away from your place.
- You can also make plain lavender body oil. You can have it by simply adding 30 drops of lavender essential oil to 2 tablespoons of vegetable grease (like olive oil). Rub this mixture throughout the exposed parts of your body. This will make you hit two birds with one stone. With the use of lavender body oil, you can have a skin that smells so good and an instant mosquito repellent.
- The bug repellent sunscreen is also available. This multi-purpose sunscreen protects your skin from the harmful ultraviolet sunrays as it repels the bugs, especially the mosquitoes. It is affordable compared to other sunscreen products and more natural in nature and toxic-free.
- Sometimes, when people are barbecuing, the mosquitoes are also very fond of biting them. This is not a problem anymore since throwing some stalks of rosemary to the hot coals behind your barbecues will give you the best shot ever. This ingredient will not just blow away all the unfavorable mosquitoes, but will also add some more flavor to your barbecue, making them more delicious than ever.
- Having plants that repel mosquitoes will be useful at home. Some of these useful plants are citronella, lavender, feverfew and catnip. Have these plants within your garden and they will be capable of keeping mosquitoes away.
- Practice eating more garlic. This will help you repel unnecessary mosquitoes since the garlic oil that was extracted by your body will be released from different pores in your body. It is like building a great and strong wall between you and the mosquitoes. Just be careful as some people might also be repelled since it is about garlic.
- You can also save the day by applying neem oil to your body. The neem oil is very popular, especially to the Indian subcontinent, which came from the Neem tree (also known to be the “tree-of-life”). The neem oil is usually sprayed to the plants as a natural insecticide and this can also be applied to the entire body to guard it from the wild mosquitoes waiting only for their chances.
- Drinking 16 ounces water mixed with about two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is also an efficient technique in avoiding mosquitoes. You can also make the mixture sweet by adding a tablespoon of honey, beating its bitterness.
- Studies have also shown that the bats are the number one predators of mosquitoes. They eat 1,000 of such insects each night. Thus, reducing the number of mosquitoes around your place. Try to attract these bats to your garden and see how helpful they can be to you and your family.
- Regularly check the stagnant water within your place and eliminate them as often as needed. Mosquitoes are laying their eggs in these standing waters in some containers. Eliminating such things in your area will definitely diminish the number of mosquitoes surrounding you. For best results, do these as often as needed.
- Make a trap for the mosquitoes. Attract them by providing carbon dioxide, which they truly like and set a trap, soda container, from which they cannot escape anymore.