Are you having problems with ants in your home? Getting rid of ants in your home does not need to be difficult and expensive. Home remedies for killing ants will enable you to get rid of these pests with proper steps and procedures easily and quickly. Few home remedies for killing ants are listed below.
The Best Home Remedies for Killing Ants
- Clean your House – Cleaning your house is the first step to get rid of these pests that have taken over your home. Wipe down the place with soapy water or with your favorite cleaning solution. Cleaning your house allows you to get rid of the things that might be attracting these pests to your home. If ants are detrimental in your kitchen, pulling everything out of your cabinets, countertops, and under the sink and cleaning these areas will help.
- Cinnamon Powder – Sprinkle the trail that ants follow with cinnamon powder. These pests will follow the trail and will leave your home for good.
- White Vinegar – Use white vinegar to wipe down your place, especially on the areas invaded by ants. These areas may include shelves, corners, kitchen cabinets, under the sink, behind appliances, etc. Vinegar has been used as a home remedy for killing ants for years, and is proven safe and effective. You can also wipe down the floor under the table and chairs to get rid of things that attract them in these places.
- Cucumber – These pests do not like the taste of cucumbers making them perfect home remedies for killing ants. Slice cucumbers into thin slices and spread them to infected areas in your home. The taste of cucumbers will force ants to leave your home.
- Dried Mint Leaves – Crush dried mint leaves and spread the powder into the infected areas. If you can’t access dried mint leaves, you can use mint tea bags. Remove the powder from the inside of the tea bag and spread them on the ant infected areas at your home.
- Table Salt – Mix table salt into boiling water. Using a small spray bottle, spray the solution in places where ants thrive such as in corners, walls, cabinet, shelves, etc.
- Borax or Soapy Water – Mix borax with water and 1 tablespoon of sugar and then spray the solution into infected areas. This not just enables you to get rid of ants, but also the other insects and pests that invade your home. You can even use borax alone to kill ants instantly by sprinkling it directly on ants. If borax is not available, mix detergent with water and spray directly on the infected areas.
These home remedies are not just effective in getting rid of ant’s invasion, but they are also cheap. Some of these things are already in your home, so you don’t need to buy them at your local grocery store.
In the event that ants still invade your home despite how many times you used home remedies for killing ants, call an exterminator. This may cost a little fortune, but this ensures that you can get rid of the pests permanently.