There are lots of health issues today that are experienced by a lot people in different countries across the globe. It is true that most of these health illnesses need an immediate medication to prevent the possible complications that can aggravate the condition of the patients. One of the health illnesses that most people have today is MGUS. The acronym MGUS stands for mono gammopathy of unknown significance which is a certain health condition where the body produces paraprotien (an abnormal protein) in the blood.
The mono gammopathy of unknown significance is being linked in the immune system that supports the body to fight diseases and infections. Actually, the immune system is made up of essential organs such as the spleen, bone marrow, lymphocytes (other term for white blood cell), and lymph nodes. The white blood cells are often produced within the bones. There are two categories of white blood cell and these are the T-cells and B-cells. The B-cells is form in the plasma cells and create plenty of antibodies that can support in fighting infections. These antibodies come from a certain type of protein which is immunoglobulin.
The MGUS often comes in a certain plasma cells that create more abnormal antibodies. The paraprotien is harmful and not helpful to the body so it needs to be removed in order to get rid this type of health issue. MGUS is not a cancer but it really produces a large amount of abnormal protein unlike in cancer. It is true that there are also abnormal proteins that are produced inside the body of a cancer patient but it is limited in number.
Patients who have MGUS always visit their doctor to see the condition of their health while they are suffering from it. It is significant to give this immediate medications so that patients will immediate survive on it. Aside from that, they can also bring back the healthy and strong condition of their body. Before talking about the medication for MGUS, you must know first the signs and symptoms of it and these are:
The Top 3 Most Common MGUS Symptoms
1. Tingling or numbness of feet and hands.
2. Balancing issue.
3. Damage nerves due to abnormal protein.
These are the common signs that are often experienced by those patients who have this health issue. It is true that MGUS doesn’t need any medication. Most patients who have this feel like they are normal due to the few signs and symptoms of it and sometimes, they don’t really feel that there’s something wrong with their body. This health issue doesn’t results to another. However, there is a small percentage that they will suffer from cancer so they are still required to go to their doctor and ask for the medicines that they can take.
The monitoring of abnormal protein or paraprotien will take for several months. Your doctor will require you to take some medicines while she or he monitors your body if it still produces lots of paraprotiens or not. When your body doesn’t have it for several weeks, you will have peace of mind in the condition of your health.