Crohn’s disease is a constant provocative disorder of the small and large intestines. Basically, it produces breaks in lining of large and small intestines. Actually, it can affect the whole digestive system including the mouth and the anus. This disease is relatively close to ulcerative colitis which affects the colon. These two are referred to frequently as IBD or inflammatory bowel disease.
Inflammation of this disease effect may vary from patient to patient. It may involve different areas. For some patients, only the small intestine may be affected but mostly, the most common parts being affected of this disorder are the ileum and the colon. So, the effect of Crohn’s disease really varies.
Crohn’s symptoms and signs have a wide range. The patients may suffer from mild up to severe signs which may develop progressively or they will just feel it suddenly even without warning. Once Crohn’s disease started, symptoms and signs tend to change between remissions and relapse. Patients may experience a time when they will notice no signs at all (remission) or when disease is highly active (relapse).
The signs and symptoms may actually be felt equally by men and women. However, menstruation period of women could trigger the flare-up of the following symptoms:
The Top 5 Chrons Disease Symptoms In Women
1. Mild to Severe Abdominal Cramping and Pain
inflammation or irritation may cause the bowel walls to swell or may eventually scar the tissue. When this happen, it can affect the movement of your digestive tract. It will cause abnormality that will basically cause cramping and pain. Mild Crohn’s can cause slight or moderate discomfort, but, in complex cases, it may cause severe pain and the patient may also suffer from nausea and worse – vomiting.
2. Diarrhea
the inflammation or irritation caused by Crohn’s may cause the cells to produce a huge amount of salt and water inside the intestine. Because of this, the colon cannot absorb all the excess fluid so diarrhea is developed. Apart from the excess fluid, intestinal cramping can also contribute to wobbly stools. This symptom is very common actually for those people who were affected with Crohn’s disease.
3. Blood Stain in Stool
inflamed tissue may bleed when the moving food passes through the digestive tract, or in some cases, the bowel itself causes the bleeding when it also passes through the intestines. People suffering from this disease may notice a blood mixed in their stools. There is also bleeding that cannot be seen (occult blood).
4. Ulcers
this disease can also cause sores on the intestine’s surface that in time may eventually turn into large ulcers. These ulcers can penetrate the intestine walls.
5. Appetite and weight loss
the appetite will be affected because of the abdominal cramping and pain. This will lead to severe weight lose as well in time.
Along with the above mentioned symptoms and signs, people suffering from Crohn’s disease may also experience the following: fatigue, fever, eye inflammation, skin disorders, arthritis, mouth sores and inflammation of liver. If you are experiencing the above mentioned symptoms or signs, do not hesitate to see your doctor immediately.