Mitochondrial diseases are defined as diseases that involve an energy production issue. This is due to the fact that almost all cells within the body have mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy within the body. A mitochondrial disease is simply used to define any condition that exists due to cells in the body not working properly. When cells do not function properly, it has a tremendous impact on the entire body. Mitochondrial diseases are really a large category of diseases and not everyone responds the same to each condition.
What Are The Most Common Mitochondrial Diseases?
Since a mitochondrial disease is just a blanketed term used to define a large group of diseases, it is important to know what the most common types are. Autism, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease are the most common mitochondrial diseases seen. All of these diseases are mitochondrial diseases that are a result of improperly functioning cells within the body.
What Symptoms Are Common?
Each mitochondrial disease is different, but many of the symptoms are similar. Some of the most common symptoms include inhibited growth, weakened muscles, hearing and eyesight problems, learning disabilities, heat and liver diseases or respiratory disorders. These diseases simply involve cells not working correctly and the body suffering as a result. Each condition is different and has varying levels of severity. Not everyone experiences a mitochondrial disease in the same fashion.
What Is The Life Expectancy Of Mitochondrial Disease?
This can be difficult to determine, because there are so many types of mitochondrial diseases in existence. However, almost 1 in 6000 people have some type of mitochondrial disease. Many of these diseases actually have normal life expectancies as long as the condition is managed properly. However, some conditions are more severe than others and have slightly shorter or altered life expectancies. Medicine is coming a long way and many of these mitochondrial diseases are now treatable.
Which Mitochondrial Diseases Are Most Seen?
The most common types of mitochondrial disease are Autism, because almost 1 in 110 individuals with this type of disease have autism. Cystic Fibrosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are all also common types. Leigh’s disease is the one type of mitochondrial condition that affects only 1 in 25,000, but it is a fatal form that has a much shorter life expectancy. However, almost all other types of these diseases are treatable and can be managed.