The PCV blood test is used to determine a person’s hematocrit levels. This test is often used to screen for anemia and may be ordered on its own or as part of a complete blood panel. It can be used to monitor a number of different diseases or health problems that may affect how many red blood cells are circulating through the blood.
Red blood cells are used to carry oxygen throughout the body. If they are at lower than normal levels or abnormal in some way, then this can create a number of potential health issues. The PCV blood test can detect them and help a medical provider create a customized treatment plan to counter the issue that is causing abnormal hematocrit levels.
When To Ask About the PCV Blood Test
The PCV blood test is most often ordered to evaluate the severity of anemia that may be present. It may also be used to determine the status of an individuals polycythemia, which refers to higher than normal levels of red blood cells, hematocrit, or hemoglobin.
Sometimes the PCV blood test is used to monitor the effectiveness of a treatment plan that is being used to counter anemia, polycythemia, or another disorder that has altered the production or lifespan of the red blood cells. If anemia is severe or the treatments being used are not creating the desired response, then a blood transfusion may be necessary.
If dehydration has been chronic, then the PCV blood test can also provide a doctor with information about how to proceed with the rehydration process.
Some conditions that affect red blood cell levels involve the bone marrow and can change the number of mature cells that are found in normal blood circulation. Increased destruction of these cells or a loss through unknown bleeding can also be detected.
What Do the Test Results Mean?
The total number of red blood cells and total hematocrit levels will be examined. If the levels are too low, then this indicates a condition that has caused anemia to occur. If the levels are too high, then this indicates a condition that has caused polycythemia has occurred. Each has specific signs and symptoms that may cause a medical provider to order the PCV blood test to confirm their suspicions.
People suffering from anemia typically suffer from fatigue and ongoing weakness. Thee may also be a lack of energy, spells of fainting, and their skin may look extremely pale. There may also be exercise intolerance or a shortness of breath that appears even during regular daily living activities.
People suffering from polycythemia will often suffer from headaches and chronic dizziness. There may also be changes to their vision. Flushing of the skin is also common. There may also be an enlargement of the spleen that can be discovered during a physical examination.
The PCV test may be performed several times if an abnormal result is discovered to determine the extent of a health problem. There are generally no restrictions in place before the blood draw for this test, it is important to follow any instructions from your medical provider to make sure the test results are accurate.
Here’s What You Need to Know
Red blood cells make up to half of the total volume of a person’s blood. The PCV blood test can tell a medical provider that there is something wrong because of the count that occurs, but it cannot indicate what that problem may be. Because levels may be high or low for a number of different reasons, additional testing is likely should an abnormal result be reported.
Certain environmental and lifestyle choices can affect PCV test results. Living at a high altitude on a consistent basis automatically raises hematocrit levels. Smoking will also create a false high result, as will dehydration – which is the most common cause of a high hematocrit level.
Low levels of hematocrit can also be caused by lifestyle choices. Having folate, iron or B12 deficiencies will lower levels. Chronic bleeding can also cause a low PCV test result. Certain inflammatory conditions have also been related to this test result.
The PCV blood test can help doctors discover what may be behind some bothersome signs and symptoms. It is a common test that may be ordered as part of an annual checkup or it may be specifically ordered to determine the status of a person’s health. For specific questions about whether or not this test is right for you, be sure to bring this information with you to your next appointment to discuss your health concerns.